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COS Texans Respond to Post-Hurricane-Ida Call

Published in Blog on September 23, 2021 by David Doiron

Kudos to the Texans, Henry Bohnert, TX RC District 17, and Paul Gregory, TX HD 15 Captain’s Team Member! Henry and Paul responded to a call for post-Hurricane-Ida assistance in South Louisiana.

Henry saw a post from Susan Sigler, Louisiana Director, announced his desire to help on the Texas Slack Channel, and Paul said he would like to join him. Paul remembered the help provided by the Cajun Navy after Hurricane Harvey in the Houston area and wanted to reciprocate.

After confirming their mission with Susan, they were referred to Julie Sandifer, SGC, who connected them with William Land, Louisiana Vets Coalition Leader. William worked with a local church to set up a distribution center in Houma for those in need.

Early in the morning, Henry and Paul loaded a truck and tandem wheel trailer with gasoline, ice and food, and delivered them to the distribution center and headed back west. Another COS Texan, David Doiron, had the pleasure of hosting them for the night before their final stretch home.

As you can see, there were several people that helped to make this effort a success. And Henry and Paul agree that this is a good example of effective self governance.

Per Paul Gregory, “The real credit goes to the Lord who gave us the desire and the opportunity to help others in need and most importantly the fact that He placed this on the hearts of the Bohnert brothers to step forward and organize it. There were many COS members working behind the scenes, both in donating and last but not least ... sharing the hospitality of their homes to provide shelter for Henry and I while we were traveling.”

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