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to call for a

Convention of States!


COS Patriots Gather in Western North Carolina

Published in Blog on November 17, 2021 by Jeff Groh

In North Carolina, the Convention of States grassroots are growing in numbers and political clout. Why? We are fed up with federal overreach in all forms and fiscal madness.  

On November 13, 2021, an engaged group of 50 Convention of States volunteers and supporters gathered for a rousing volunteer meeting in Flat Rock, NC. It was a chance to share ideas and make new connections. 

The meeting helped educate new petition signers on the overall mission of COS. Namely to build the largest conservative grassroots army ever seen. And how the Article V Convention of States project is a goal within that larger mission to rein in an out-of-control federal government. 

We discussed the status of HJR 233, the North Carolina COS resolution that passed the North Carolina House on May 5, and why we remain stuck in the North Carolina Senate. Attendees were provided pre-addressed note cards and instructions on sending hand-written letters to Senators who are blocking the resolution. 

Volunteers in attendance who have been instrumental in the success of the NC team over the last couple years were recognized for their contributions. 

A focal point and primary purpose of the meeting was to educate attendees on what it means to be an engaged activist and all the ways to be involved. Whether that might be as a District Captain for COS, or getting activated in their communities. 

Volunteers gave short talks on how they were involved in recent municipal elections, their work with Patriot Academy and educating on the constitution, and what it’s like to participate in a gun show to gather petition signers. 

Other topics included redistricting and how that will impact our strategy to pass the resolution in the Senate and inform our actions in the 2022 primary and general election. And both the Hendersonville Freedom Group and WNC Freedom Group provided information on their activities and opportunities for engagement. 

Jeff Groh resides in western North Carolina and is a small business owner. He is also a Regional Captain for the Convention of States Project, a non-partisan effort to rein in the expanding role of the federal government.


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