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Convention of States!


COS New Jersey Media Liaison Gary Brenner interviewed on Anne Baker Show

Published in Blog on August 10, 2020 by Seth Essendrop

Whoever said video killed the radio star hasn't met Gary Brenner.

On July 17, 2020, Gary appeared as a guest on "Talking with Anne" with host Anne Baker, News Talk 1400 am, WOND.

Kicking off the discussion, Gary explained how recent upheaval in our nation "is bringing into greater clarity that our governing system is broken."

He explained that, as we look to the federal government, we're discovering that Washington, D.C., clearly does not have the answers we need.

The federal government has accrued so much power, and, consequently, corruption is so rampant, no president could even possibly make the necessary long-term changes, he said. Additionally, even when we elect congressmen and senators to change the system, they almost inevitably seem to get swallowed up by it.

"The framers foresaw this happening," he said, going on to explain how they provided for a way to bypass a runaway Congress through the Article V convention of states process.

And that was just the first four minutes.

The interview as a whole provides a solid introduction to Convention of States, the objectives of the movement, the mechanics of the convention itself, and even responses to common opposition.

Gary's knowledge and persuasiveness were brought into stark relief as he fielded opposition from a hostile caller at the end of the interview.

His final point was cut short by time, but if you would like to read further about how to address the opposition like that from the aforementioned caller, you can read more here.

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