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Convention of States!


COS Michigan Surge Day in Lansing

Published in Blog on May 16, 2024 by Irv Karwick

On May 8th, 2024, 19 COS Michigan volunteers gathered in Lansing to meet with State Senators and Representatives to discuss the current Convention of States initiatives. This includes a Criminal Penalty Bill and the Commissioners Selection Resolution to define the role of the Michigan delegates in anticipation of a Convention.

Scheduled appointments with specific Senators and Representatives brought face-to-face meetings with COS volunteers eager to discuss the COS initiatives. Additionally, information on COS activities and petition signing results was delivered to Legislators specific to their district. In total, over 125 elected officials were reached on Surge Day.

The continued presence of COS in Lansing is another tool in the toolbox for turning the tide toward an approved COS Resolution in Michigan.  

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