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COS Louisiana entertained by "Blasts from the Past" at State Strategy Meeting 2021

Published in Blog on November 10, 2021 by Julie Sandifer

A barbecue served from a chuck wagon shared with old friends and new on a fall Friday night - what could be a better way to begin the Louisiana State Strategy Meeting? But it did get better! Volunteer Activist John Odell serenaded the group with his guitar, singing songs from an old cowboy song book. Then District Captain JC Harmon challenged the group to interact concerning the ten best and ten worst presidents in American history.   


For the second year in a row, the Louisiana State Strategy Meeting was held at Forts Randolph and Buhlow Historic Area right next to the Red River in Pineville, LA. The meeting room at the park easily accommodated the 15 in attendance last year. It was filled to capacity this year with 32 in attendance. More than doubling our attendance in one year is an accomplishment we are proud to report. The meeting began with a prayer led by DC Don Maddox, the pledge led by DC/VCD Cliff Ancelet, followed by John Odell who led us in “God Bless America.”            


First on the agenda was a review of Louisiana’s HERE, PATH, THERE presented by State Grassroots Coordinator, Julie Sandifer. Using the data provided, small groups planned our strategy for the coming year. The team decided to aim at doubling our number of DC’s and RC’s.  Other ambitious goals are to add 8,000 petition signers and to build each district team by 25 more engaged Volunteer Activists. Filling vacant leadership positions rounded out our goal-setting for next year. 


President Thomas Jefferson made a surprise appearance Saturday morning. Costumed period actor Ken Krefft held the group spell-bound as he recited Jefferson’s entire Declaration of Independence speech from memory. At the end of this inspiring presentation, State Videographer Michael Maples got a picture of President Jefferson signing the COS petition.         


State Director Susan Sigler gave two challenging presentations on how to be an effective volunteer and an effective District Captain. District Captain JC Harmon gave a Louisiana Legislative Update in the afternoon. 

Awards were presented by the State Director to the following: Regional Captain Doyle Chambers was presented with the Challenge Coin for his long-term, loyal dedication to the Convention of States since 2018. He has truly gone beyond the call of duty in his service to our mission and goals while always demonstrating kindness, humility, and goodwill to others.


Also, District Captain and recently appointed Veteran's Coalition Director, Cliff Ancelet, and Regional/District Captain Don Maddox were both awarded Patriot Pins in recognition of their recent contributions of servant leadership, allegiance to preserve liberty for the next generation, and devotion to growing the grassroots. 


Attendees gathered for a picture session around the Civil War cannon as we had done last year. Comparing the pictures for the two years again brings pride in the tremendous growth which has taken place in Convention of States Louisiana as a result of the hard work of dedicated volunteers. 

The meeting was adjourned with a benediction led by Volunteer Activist Mark Neupauer. What an incredible faith-based, freedom-loving group of patriots! 


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