Convention of States Delaware is looking for passionate COS supporters willing to make a commitment to helping accomplish our mission to have Delaware join the growing lists of states calling for an Article V convention! Are you interested in playing a role in this historic movement? If so, please consider volunteering for one of our state team positions by visiting the Take Action page on the Convention of States Project website.
As we examine what made our fellow COS state teams successful in the 15 states that have passed our application, it is abundantly clear that we simply will not succeed in our goal without developing a massive grassroots army. Therefore, we need you to get involved, volunteer, and develop relationships with other COS supporters as we grow the Convention of States Delaware team. This is the only way we will be able to get the Delaware state legislators to support our application.
When you visit the Take Action page, you will be able to apply to become a state leader, join our volunteer team, and register for the COS Introductory Webinar. You can also visit the Resources page, which is chock full of informational materials and videos.
We all know Washington, D.C. is broken, and the federal government simply will not take the necessary steps to impose or exercise restraint. Our Founding Fathers envisioned such a scenario, which is why they added Article V to our Constitution. Now the responsibility falls to us to rein in the out-of-control federal Leviathan. Thank you for answering the call for liberty!
COS Delaware Needs You!
Published in Blog on July 04, 2018 by Jonathan Viaud