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to call for a

Convention of States!


COS Delaware Hosts Meet-and-Greet

Published in Blog on August 22, 2019 by Jonathan Viaud

Enthusiasm for COS spread like a wave over the Charcoal Pit in Wilmington earlier this month, as COS Delaware volunteers gathered at the diner to focus on growing the grassroots.

Over a dozen COS supporters attended the event, including volunteers from other states like New Jersey and Virginia. Patriotic cheer overflowed from the team, and during the course of the evening, all attendees learned about the hope and opportunity COS provides. The enthusiasm displayed by these supporters was incredibly inspiring.

Over 20 people signed the petition after the event, three supporters signed up as volunteers, and another two applied to be District Captains for the COS Delaware team.

Nights like these demonstrate how passionate the people are to join the Convention of States movement. Through Article V of the Constitution, COS offers the solution big enough to solve the problems caused by our out-of-control federal government.

Momentum is building for COS in the state of Delaware! You can help our movement continue to grow by visiting the Take Action page of the website and sign up to be a member of our team!

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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