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Convention of States Meetings All Over Delaware!

Published in Blog on February 27, 2023 by Susan Foy

Meetings for supporters of Convention of States are bursting out all over the state of Delaware. The year 2022 showed a particular growth of new meetings, up and down the First State.

The team began with monthly informational meetings led by the state director Ginny Watkins in five locations around the state. These were geared for petition signers and others who had recently learned about COS and wanted to understand more about it. These include two in New Castle County, one in Kent, and two in Sussex, along with one online meeting. These meetings included a short overview of the COS mission and a time for questions. Over time, other members of the team began to take responsibility to lead these meetings.

As many supporters began showing up repeatedly to these informational meetings, it became clear that we needed to carry the process to the next level. Supporters needed to be educated on a deeper level instead of seeing the same introductory material over and over. Instead of trying to have meetings in every district, the districts were grouped together by location so that the district captains could work together to get supporters more involved.

In May of 2022, the first of these new volunteer meetings was held in New Castle County. Petition signers from the north were invited to the meeting in North Wilmington, while those from the southern part of the county were invited to one in the Newark/Bear area. Over the next several months, more meetings were begun in Milford, Millsboro, Seaford, and Smyrna.

The district captains and other team members work together to plan these meetings and take turns leading them. Each meeting begins with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer, followed by a segment detailing some event connected with COS. The bulk of the meeting is a 20-30 minute segment of the Constitution Alive class from Patriot Academy, with a discussion afterward. Usually, the end involves a call to action: attending a rally or upcoming event or sending letters to legislators.

In late 2022, new military veterans meetings also began in each county.

Michael Stewart attended an informational meeting last spring, followed by the more intensive volunteer meeting in Newark. Soon afterward, he signed up to be a district captain. “I enjoyed the introductory meeting at the Green Turtle in Christiana. Although I didn't know anyone or what to expect, there was a welcoming and relaxing atmosphere,” Mike says. “I walked away having a better understanding of Convention of States, and the local Delaware COS Team. All in all, it was inspiring and I wanted to learn more.”

Other attendees have similar comments about volunteer meetings in Sussex County. “It was full of information and great knowledge of the Constitution,” said one. “We love the meetings.” Another added, “I enjoyed watching the video about the writers of the Constitution. I feel energized every time I attend one of these meetings.”

We hope everyone in Delaware will come to join us at our meetings, to learn more about COS, our Constitution, and how you can be involved! To find meetings near you, visit our Delaware page:

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