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Convention of States is Looking for a Few Good Dogs

Published in Blog on March 24, 2022 by Christine J Baker

At the Georgia Convention of States, we have a lot of cats, but we need a few good dogs as well. Huh? You may be confused. Let me explain. I am speaking metaphorically of social media warriors. 

There are basically two types of social media warriors - cats and dogs. We have a lot of cats but we need some good dogs.

Cats love to play. They spend lots of time playing and they are tireless in their pursuit of all things interesting and exciting. In terms of social media, they love their devices and they love their platforms. They have lots of them and they love to roam their channels liking and sharing all along the way, or firing off passionate messages to anyone who catches their eye. Sometimes, though, they can be very aloof. They look, and play, and may spend lots of time with one topic or another, one account or another, but they may never actually engage in a visible manner. They may leave a post or a like, but they don't invite interaction (unless they happen to feel like it).  It's not that they don't care, they just have SO MUCH to see and do, that they sometimes can't be bothered with what they may have seen or commented on the day before. For them, the reward is 'likes' and 'follows' in ever-growing numbers.

Convention of States loves our cats because they are social media darlings who spread the seeds of our message far and wide. They may not show up at a meeting, nor respond to a volunteer event, but they show love in their own way. Independent, freedom-loving, choice-mongers, they don't want to be told what to do, but they do want to be seen and appreciated as contributing members of the movement. Have you ever heard of a cattle-herding cat? Of course not! But you have heard of a barn cat, right? Cats have their very valuable place in the COS social media warfare arena and we love their contributions to our cause across the many platforms of the digital battlefield. 

And then there are the dogs. Loyal, eager to please, driven to fulfill their jobs with distinction. They want to be given a task and shown how to fulfill it. They might not have nine social media accounts across the world wide web, but the ones they do have they visit often and tend to with regularity. They actively post on the causes they care about, and they actively register their voices in online polls, petitions, events, etc. They show up and they stay connected. They research facts, they post their research, and they inform. They do like to have fun - just like their cat counterparts, but they want to be assured. They want to know that what they are doing is needed and important. They are fierce protectors of online integrity and quick to correct duplicity. These are the social media warriors who show up to meetings, get involved in specific campaigns, and report back on what they find.

Convention of States is looking for some Good Dogs to actively engage with our Georgia State Communications Team on a weekly basis to help transform our social media presence across all of our platforms. We need some meme generators, FB moderators, Gab posters, Twitter tweeters, and GETTR and Telegram activists to help spread the COORDINATED COS message across all of our State pages. We meet weekly (via Zoom), discuss campaigns, and send our warriors out with a message. A little like Paul Revere on his midnight ride, we are looking for social media activists who will engage and promote on a regular, coordinated basis. 

If this sounds like you, please DO let us know! You can contact our State Communications Team at and let us know of your interest and availability. We look forward to meeting you and potentially collaborating with you in spreading the COS cause all over the world wide web!

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