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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Convention of States Action - cutting government down to size!

Published in Blog on July 24, 2024 by Earl Hixson

COS Action Oregon District Captain and State Grassroots Coordinator, Katrina Nelson hosting a booth at a logging show in Clatskanie, Oregon.


Ever wish you could cut out the administrative state?  That’s exactly what an Article V convention of the states will do!  COS Action Oregon District Captain and State Grassroots Coordinator, Katrina Nelson, hosted a booth at the Clatskanie Heritage Days 4th of July logging show.  Katrina not only informed show attendees about COS Action, but she also competed in the logging events while wearing an official Convention of States Action shirt to help draw attention to the organization.  The only female competitor, Katrina placed in four out of six events, so she proudly wore the COS Action logo while receiving recognition from the officials and attendees.  


Events like the logging show are ways that COS Action supporters can expose others to our message of citizen activism and limited government.  Katrina said that she didn’t always go to large events to promote COS Action.  She started small, making contacts and passing out media cards while grocery shopping.  


From there, Katrina began hosting meetups once a month for COS Action supporters and those new to the movement that wanted to learn more.  Meetup locations have included Astoria, Hillsboro, and Eugene.  

Astoria meetup at Fultano’s Pizza.  Sunday January 29th.



One of two Hillsboro meetups at Corner Bakery café.


Eugene meetup at Killer Burger on April 13th.


Katrina presented a Convention of States Action introduction to an audience of thirty at a town hall on February 20th in Seaside.  She fielded questions about COS Action and even answered opposition criticism about perceived risks to calling a convention.  Fourteen of the thirty attendees signed the COS Action petition to express their support.  


Katrina currently hosts a meetup on the 4th Saturday of the month, so be sure to look for event announcements and invitations in e-mail messages.  Come to the next meetup near you and meet others in the movement.  Bring your questions and ideas for a fun and informative discussion.  Learn how you can help COS Action make history!

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Convention of states action

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