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Convention of States and Coffee with WY DC Dr. Stephen Mainini

Published in Blog on January 12, 2024 by Michelle Grimes

COS Beginnings

Pulmonary physician, Dr. Stephen Mainini retired in 2017 to spend more time with his family, wife and grandkids. At the time, Dr. Mainini believed that America was doing better, but after the political chaos that ensued during and after 2020 Dr. Mainini realized that he had to do something immediately. “I knew that if I could get involved in some way to save my country at least my family would know I tried,” Dr. Mainini said in an interview. “I prayed about it and asked for God’s discernment & directions on how I could serve Him [God] and my country.”

Dr. Mainini had previously signed the petition but could not commit sufficient time to COS due to his busy work schedule as an intensive care physician; however, now that he is semi-retired from practicing medicine, he felt God led him back to COS to get involved.

In 2022, Dr. Mainini attended a Town Hall meeting hosted by WY State Director Julie Baker, and at that meeting he signed up to join the team as a District Captain. Dr. Mainini then began learning about his responsibilities with growing a grassroots army and was grateful for the Tuesday night national trainings that have been instrumental in leading and inspiring him. With this newfound knowledge, he knew that he wanted to grow his own team in his hometown Cody, WY. 

Convention of States and Coffee   

Inspired, and through the help of WY State Director Julie Baker, and webinars conducted by NC District Captain Venessa Paulson and OH District Captain Roger Gibbs, Dr. Mainini created “Convention of States and Coffee” in Cody, WY: a monthly meeting hosted at a local coffee shop where people can sign petitions and learn more about COS, COS news, how they can get involved, and share God’s word.

The group meets the last Saturday of every month from 9am-10am MT at the same coffee shop and Dr. Mainini explains that his idea has helped garner engagement with COS. “We have a banner outside of the meeting room where people order their coffee and it just attracts people.” He elaborates that he’s “had people from around the country come on back and sign petitions,” and that he’s even had 25-30 people attend, many of whom are recurring and he is excited to see the growth in northwest WY where COS is almost unheard of.

James 1:22 Citizen

While volunteering with COS, Dr. Mainini shares how impressed he is seeing people’s commitment to the cause despite their busy lives. He believes that one person can make a difference and that calling an Article V Convention is the right thing to do and that now is the right time to do it.

He says that it also inspires him how open people are to sharing their values and beliefs with each other on the team. Due to this moral cohesion, Dr. Mainini emphasizes that “We've gotta fight this fight together. We need to inspire and give American patriots, hope, about Article V. I tell people to be a Book of James (1:22) citizen. What I mean by that is, you can't just listen to God’s word, you must DO what it says. So, don’t just come here and listen about COS – get out there and DO it.”

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