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Constitutional Or Not

Published in Blog on February 26, 2023 by Michael Dempsey

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) recently said in a tweet, “Only Americans should vote in American elections.”  How basic.  How simple.  How logical.

Yet the backlash on social media was immediate and vitriolic.  The convoluted logic of the critics was mindboggling.  I won’t dignify the various rebuttals by exposing them to the light of day.  Suffice to say “wokeness” was the hallmark of most of the comments.

The reason for the remark by Rep. Jordan, was in reference to the recently passed House Joint Resolution 24, or the "Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022".  Whew.  Could they come up with a longer title?  It is explanatory though. Moving right along.

By the way, as Rep. Jordan pointed out 162 Democrats voted against the resolution and in favor of illegals voting.

Nevertheless, this simple statement by Rep. Jordan exposes the fundamental differences between the Right and the Left, especially concerning the basic tenets of the Constitution.

There is a father of twin boys in Texas, Jeff Younger, who’s ex-wife is a woke psychotherapist of some sort, and she is attempting to have one of the boys transitioned into a girl.  I have been following this poor man’s plight for a few years now.   Nevertheless, in his search for justice for his child, in a bureaucracy that favors the woke, he wrote a brilliant essay that succinctly defines the differences in today’s political world.  I paraphrase his article.

“What Are Conservatives Conserving? There’s nothing left to conserve. They’ve lost every battle with the political Left for the last 60 years. Today’s battle is between Liberals and Traditionalists. It’s not a political ideology that is separating us. We are leading ontologically different lives.  And those differences that we have are fundamentally irreconcilable.”

That kind of insight is not only brilliant, it is scary.  I believe that “Traditionalists” equates to Constitutionalists.  Therefore, I would suggest the ontological reality for most grassroots volunteers with COS is that the Constitution is sacrosanct.  The fact that the original tenants of the document have been corrupted and construed to allow our current state of government over-reach via the unelected bureaucracy is appalling.  Our Republic is being strangled by complexity.

The bottom line is . . . the “irreconcilable” can only be reconciled by Convention of States and the Grace of God.  Hyperbole?  I think not. 

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