The Connecticut Convention of States team is energized by the recent strategy meeting with both Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States (via Skype), and Regional Director Monica Sellers.
“We’re seeing a sea change,” said Mark Meckler. The radical left agenda is no longer bubbling under the surface. Commonsense people, regardless of political party, are not ok with what’s going on in our government and the policies that are impacting our country’s safety, values and economy.
A growing majority support a convention
Nearly two-thirds of Americans are now in favor of holding a Convention of States to address the mounting issues within the excessively powerful federal government.
A new poll by The Trafalgar Group shows 65.7% of Americans support a convention for proposing constitutional amendments focusing on term limits, spending restraints, and a limit to the federal government’s authority.
Meckler also pointed to the growing support of the Convention of States in states such as Massachusetts and New Jersey.
In Connecticut, the Convention of States Resolution will be filed when the next legislative session begins in January.
Take Action!
In the meantime, it’s more important than ever to get more petitions signed and for people to contact their representatives to express their support for calling a Convention of States.
At the meeting, goals were set to develop actionable tactics to advance awareness about the movement in Connecticut and continue to build an army of engaged, self-governing citizen activists across the state.
Led by State Director Maureen Zollo and Monica Sellers, a dedicated group of more than a dozen district captains, grassroots coordinators, legislative liaison, and others discussed short-span, mid-term, and long-range strategies to recruit, educate, and retain a powerful statewide base of supporters and leaders.
“We have a very strong core team in Connecticut,” said Monica. “We’ve gained the experience needed to grow our grassroots base and educate others as we move forward to the legislative process.”
We’re In This Together
If you’re concerned about where the direction our country is heading, please connect with us. Ask questions. Convention of States can help to restore order and save our Republic from ruin. Engage your family and friends. We’re all in this together.
We welcome your support in whatever ways you can contribute. For more information about Convention of States Connecticut, please send an email to State Director Maureen Zollo at
About Convention of States:
· To learn more about Convention of States, click here.
· To sign the petition, click here.
· To learn more about volunteer opportunities, click here.