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Confessions of a Covid Nurse

Published in Blog on January 31, 2022 by Jill Norris

After almost a decade of nursing, in November of 2021, I had to quit the field altogether. It was a difficult decision; one I knew I had to make ethically. There were just too many discrepancies. Too many unanswered questions. I joined the Convention of States (COS) team honestly out of fear over what I knew our government was doing. 

Government has and continues to commit crimes against humanity in the name of public health, and I knew I needed to fight for what was right. I became a nurse to advocate for public health but, big government incorporated their power and control in the medical field stronger than ever before when the pandemic began.

When the government can dictate our lives to the point, they can mandate what we put in our bodies, without regard to potential risks or without holding any accountability, there is something very wrong. 

The current medications and vaccines that are being mandated right now, have not withstood the test of time. 

In 2020, I was out of work twice. The hospital I worked for at the beginning of the pandemic laid off 334 direct patient care workers. As a nurse with Pulmonary Critical Care skills, I was out of work and struggling to find a permanent job, during a so-called pandemic. This didn't make sense, and there were many of us out there, competing for local positions.

I eventually found a job working float pool and was quickly floated to the Covid Progressive Care Unit (PCU). We were routinely giving blood platelets, Remdesivir, Dexamethasone, and Vancomycin. PCU patients are considered critical, and all were on either hi-flow or mechanical oxygen machines. We restricted them from food and fluids because they were teetering on needing ventilation, and if they were intubated, we didn't want them to aspirate. We couldn't give fluids because their organs were failing, and their lungs were already filling up with fluid. 

No visitors were allowed, no exceptions.

Why were there no exceptions for patients at the end of life? Hospitals now require 3 Covid experimental mRNA vaccines or a Covid test, to visit patients. Why could families not be given the ability to put on proper PPE, and be with their family members in their last moments?

Before Covid, for years I would float to the ER during flu season. I've worked through some crazy flu seasons where people were being intubated and dying in numbers. But Covid was different, we were seeing young people with unusual blood clotting. They were having strokes, heart attacks, and pulmonary embolisms (PE’s: lung clots). Because of this, I got in line for the Covid vaccine in December of 2020.

At the time, I had no fear, I just wanted this all to end, and like everyone else, I didn't want to bring the virus home to my family. Yet, I had no idea the personal hell that would begin post-inoculation, and I spent the next several months trying to rid my body of the toxins I’d allowed be injected, and to rid myself of the side effects through detoxification and prayer. 

I was thankful I had the knowledge, resources, and support to do so. Most people don’t, and they end up in the hospital with the side-effects that I was experiencing. Although the genetic and ever replicating changes, science shows are irreversible (Malone). 

Around the same time, I realized we were no longer hanging platelets. I asked why, and the response I received was that they were causing blood clots. This was never spoken about openly. Were these the clots we thought Covid was causing? Maybe a mixture of the virus compounded with the platelets? This data is difficult to find.

In March of 2021, Covid numbers dropped sharply which was nice because I was able to float to other units. Some may speculate it was working, or maybe the season was over? Speaking of season, we had not one flu case. We were told this was due to the efficacy of everyone wearing masks. 

Not one influenza case in our hospital? 

Most people I saw out and about were not even wearing their masks properly and were touching them all the time. The flu is airborne, but it also spreads through droplets, and on surfaces (CDC).

During the winter of 2020-2021, I did more post-mortem care than I had done throughout my whole career combined. There were days our telemetry techs couldn't call us to warn us of somebody's saturations dropping even below 80% (80% was the new 90%). Too many alarms were always going off at the same time, it was impossible to keep up. 

There were many days filled with placing toe tags, and patients in body bags. No organ donation, no autopsies, because these people died of a communicable disease. These situations are now all unanswered questions. 

I've assisted many patients with saying their last goodbye over a zoom call and have called families to tell them their loved one had died today. What I wouldn't say was, they were alone. 

When the vaccines were rolled out to the public, I began to see patients with many different types of blood clots. 

These presented themselves as strokes, heart attacks, deep vein thrombosis, and PE’s. We had patients presenting with severe Guillain Barre which caused paralysis from the neck down, ALS-like symptoms with unknown etiology. Acute onset quadriplegia of unknown origin requiring vents due to diaphragmatic paralysis. Most of these were shortly after vaccination, some in young patients.

I often asked questions, as these situations were rare in the age groups I was seeing. This was brushed off, every… single… time…

These days I wonder, how many of these patients would have been found to have died directly from Remdesivir poisoning, and not Covid? Even the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends Remdesivir not be used for any reason, although it is still being given (WHO Newsroom). 

The Remdesivir drug trials are so disturbing, that they pulled it from further research. It is not until recently, the truth is finally beginning to come out. This drug causes kidney failure, with the outcome of pulmonary edema. This is still the frontline treatment in the hospital in many cases. Is this causing what we call in the hospital, Covid pneumonia? Because pneumonia is basically fluid in the lungs that breeds infection. We won't know this for sure because the evidence is now gone, and these people have already been laid to rest.

We should never have been giving Remdesivir. Early treatment should have been an easy option using other therapeutics, and vaccines should be a personal choice. And family members should never be banned from being with their loved ones when they are dying, no matter what if they so choose. 

The CDC needs to be forthright with their data. Even Dr. Robert Malone is being censored; one of the creators of the mRNA vaccine (Malone). His words should be in front of everyone via the mainstream media. Breakthrough Covid cases aren’t being stopped by the vaccines (Tenpenny).

Has the vaccine bought the freedom people were looking for when they got it? 

Rumor is, if you’re vaccinated, you don’t end up hospitalized or dead. (Bhakdi). This is not a fact, and they know it. There is data that suggests those vaccinated 2-3 times are more susceptible and are getting just as ill or worse. Death rates in all categories in the 3rd and 4th quarter are up by 40% in 2021 from 2020. Ask yourself, what changed? Because this is more than an anomaly (Bhakdi & Burkhardt). 

Ethylene oxide (EO), the main ingredient of the new PCR (swab tests), is a known cancer-causing agent and they are requiring people put these far up their noses regularly to participate in life. EO should not touch mucous membranes or be inhaled, look it up. This information is not yet being censored (DOSH). 

In July of 2021, it became public knowledge that Bill Gates and George Soros bought the existing COVID-19 testing company. Soon after, the PCR tests that we used to use, were replaced by EO PCRs (Phillips). I don’t know about you, but I don’t really trust these guys. 

It’s important to consider that hospitals are financially incentivized for every positive Covid case, for every patient intubated, and every course of Remdesivir given. 

My understanding of what is really happening, and each patient I have taken care of before I knew what was going on, has left scars on my heart and an everlasting impression in my memory. 

Legally, everyone should be given Informed Consent about all these things; do the benefits outweigh the risks? They are just giving these things, without full discussion. We all deserve transparency, truth and liberty as our founding fathers intended. They must have known this day would come when they brilliantly wrote the Constitution.

It’s time to be brave, it’s time to unite, and it’s time we reign in the federal government. I made the decision to join the Convention of States to fight for our freedom, which only comes through having good health. We can do that by utilizing Article V of the Constitution and by calling for a Convention of States. For more information on how COS plans to do this, click here: 

Pretend for a moment, that everything I wrote is true. Feel it like its truth; because unfortunately it is. It creates a responsibility when you know it. I believe that’s the reason why so many people can’t accept it, because it’s scary. It’s time to walk through fear, and stand up for what’s right. And… when did we ever put our children at risk, for the sake of keeping adults safe? Never in America… 


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