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Convention of States!


Central Florida Opportunity to Engage

Published in Blog on July 19, 2021 by Cynthia Kisby

Through heat, clouds, showers, and sun, new Florida leaders are emerging! The new team members talked to hundreds of interested Americans over the July 4th Weekend. One man shared how his Ecuadorian wife’s patriotism for her new country re-inspired his own. We could tell by questioning looks that most passersby had never heard of Convention of States.

Our sign which read “What Do You Love About America?” prompted parents to encourage their children to provide the answer. We connected the replies to Article V and our founding values of freedom, independence, and individual responsibility. To make sure residents were able to find details later, we offered take-aways with a QR code.

Learning the Ropes

In Seminole County (north of Orlando), three new FL Team Members in FL District 28 are new to being engaged citizens. Our Captain Morgan (Cindy, not the rumrunner) had an inspired idea and bravely took the plunge to arrange for a COS booth at the July 4th Winter Springs Celebration of Independence. Music, food, fun, and fireworks offered a perfect venue to share our platform and mission.

Cindy’s husband lightened the load of our eight-hour shift at the celebration. Louis set up our table and awning (a tent roof with no walls) and then came back later to be an active pitch man along with the official COS volunteers. He was not shy in telling visitors George Mason saw the need for We the People to amend our rule of law only 11 years after our 1776 Constitution was formed.

                 Kisby, Hedstrom, Morgan

Deb Hedstrom signed up to be a COS Events Planner without knowing too much about the job, but her natural marketing savvy created the excitement we needed. She came equipped with temporary tattoos of red, white, and blue flags, hearts, peace signs, and other patriotic symbols.  

Candy and flag pins, the COS progress map, and full-color pages from the Pocket Guide decorated our booth. While tiny tots were getting a tattoo, parents were learning about Article V

Helpful Ideas from Pros

Representative David Smith, COS supporter, explained how different issues are handled by local or national officials. He spoke highly of his legislative aide Kathy Johnson and district secretary Zach Myers who helped more than 5,000 residents when the unemployment website went down. As a retired colonel from the US Marine Corps, Smith is proud of his career as a pilot. Continuing to serve, he recently won state funding for a $1 million veterans’ PTSD project.

                                          Smith, Morgan, and Hedstrom

Representative Smith shared several ideas for new COS teams to get the word out. He mentioned that county political parties meet monthly. Rotaries in local communities are open to non-partisan speakers. He informed us that the Winter Springs City Commission allows any resident to address the group for three minutes. 

Kevin McCann, city mayor, described the unique family character of Winter Springs. He said the city commission is working on gaining consensus on its brand to distinguish this town from neighboring communities. City commissioner TiAnna Hale also visited the COS booth.

Veterans are natural allies to COS since they have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Two groups enjoyed the party. The American Legion includes all veterans regardless of whether they served overseas or during an active war. Veterans of Foreign Wars is a smaller subgroup as the name indicates. Patrick Beers, captain of the Winter Springs VFW Post 5405, invited us to speak at an upcoming meeting.

Better with a Buddy

Like other new volunteers in Florida, getting together gave us courage to try something. If we can do it, so can you. Find a local COS supporter to partner with and generate your own exciting plan to strengthen our republic.

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