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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Cleaning up the Constitution

Published in Blog on July 22, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

Our constitutional rights are systematically and blatantly being stripped away. The sovereignty of our states is rapidly diminishing. We are being invaded through our southern boarder and religious freedoms and our Second Amendment rights are under assault.

Drugs, murders, rioting and the malicious destruction of property are running ramped in our communities.

Enormous amounts of money (trillions) is recklessly being spent on projects grants and entitlements, none of which are authorized to the federal government under the Constitution. Billions of dollars are freely given to foreign countries who despise the USA, all of which has our country teetering on the verge of bankruptcy.

Our Supreme Court judges have been rewriting our Constitution from the bench for decades with decisions that are not within the scope of the Constitution. Although we do see numerous overrulings of previous Supreme Court decisions – well over 100 just since 1960, which were clearly not constitutional – there are still hundreds of rulings which need to be revisited by a constitutionally-minded court

Our elected officials have embarrassed and weakened us and shown themselves as power hungry, overreaching, corrupt, and totally incompetent to govern. We have hoped and prayed for them to correct the path they are leading us down to no avail.

Do you think we need to convene a Convention of States, as allowed by Article V of the Constitution yet?

Do you think we need to convene a Convention of States to stop the socialist/communist ideas in our government from destroying our Constitutional Republic yet? 

This will only happen if we are willing to make it happen. It is time for all of us to step out of our comfort zone; it's time to stop standing on the sidelines watching our freedoms and liberties slip away. We must begin to openly discuss these concerns with our family members, friends and neighbors, before it’s too late.

We can no longer believe someone special will come along and fix the Washington mess. That someone special is already here and that someone is... you. Each one of us can do something to help change the destructive course our country is on. 

Get people to sign the Convention of States petition in support of calling a convention. Make repeated calls and send written letters to state representatives and senators, demanding they support the passage of the Resolution to convene a “Convention of States” in your state.

We can save our Constitutional Republic, but only if we all become engaged and make it crystal clear to those sworn to represent us that we have had enough, and we demand they act accordingly.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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