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In the news: Members of Convention of States NEPA celebrate Flag Day at Clarks Summit VFW

Published in Blog on July 10, 2018 by Steven Thomas Polgar

The following article appeared in The Abington Journal on June 19, 2018.

Members of Convention of States NEPA held a Flag Day celebration June 16 at VFW Post 7069.

Per Article V of the United States Constitution, "the Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the states shall call a Convention for proposing amendments."

The convention would be limited to proposing amendments to the Constitution that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and limit the terms of office for its officials and members of Congress.

“It’s a process that has stalled in our capital, but hopefully through the work you’re doing, we can get something moving in Pennsylvania and join the list of states moving in this direction so we can work for the better of our constituency and country,” State Representative Sid Michaels Kavulich said.

Twelve states have made application to Congress for an Article V convention, to this point.

Keynote speaker George Pitely, who served in United States Navy for eight years and later worked as a financial broker with Metropolitan Life in Clarks Summit and was a member of the South Abington Township Planning Commission, outlined his experiences serving his country and believes changes must be made for the betterment of the nation.

“If we start now, we can change the direction of our country and bring it back to where our Founding Fathers started,” Pitely said. “A free country isn’t truly free; it demands sacrifice by those who wish to preserve that freedom.”

Clarks Summit resident Barbara Scheuer was presented with the George Mason Award for her volunteer efforts.

According to Grass Roots Coordinator Justus Hoyt, Scheuer got more than 1,200 signatures (3 percent of the total number in the state) on a petition in support of a Convention of States sent to state legislators.

Mason originally proposed Article V of the Constitution.

During his remarks, Kavulich spoke of the importance of valuing the American flag.

“Our flag really doesn’t get the respect it deserves in so many situations,” he said. “It’s not just through what’s happening with the National Football League, it’s everywhere. People just take it for granted and don’t realize what the flag stands for.

“The American flag has been the constant throughout the history of this country. Since our inception, it was always our past, our present and our future, and the symbol of this country. We must recognize the importance of the flag itslef, and the acts of bravery and self sacrifice over hundreds of years.”

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