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Citizens Are Systematically Being Denied Constitutional Rights

Published in Blog on September 12, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

The U.S. Constitution is considered one of the most important and significant documents created in American history, if not the world. Our Constitution is celebrated every year on the 17th day of September.

This unique document was signed on September 17, 1787, by 39 delegates to the Constitutional Convention and is a day worthy of every citizen of the United States to take pause to celebrate and recognize the impact it has had on “We The People.”

What exactly were the Founding Fathers attempting to achieve when they created this unprecedented document? The answer rests in the Preamble to the Constitution. “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union,”

“To form a more perfect union” is the first objective of the Constitution. This goal comes first in the Preamble because America is meant to be a shining star to every foreign government in the world.

For 200-plus years that is exactly what America was, a shining star in the world. A place where all citizens “are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Then with the advent of Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency, things began to go seriously wrong with the world's shining star. With the implementation of his “Great Society,” the Democrat Party began to slowly shift to a socialist-communist party.

This shift followed the Marxist playbook, remaining in the background while slowly expanding government benefits creating runaway spending, condemning citizens to the chains of government dependency, and the seizure of functions and responsibilities Constitutionally granted to the states.

In 2020, the democrat party began its complete transition to an openly acknowledged socialist communist party on steroids. Citizens’ rights under the Constitution began to rapidly deteriorate.

Our First Amendment rights are being disregarded by big tech and social media, who with the approval and assistance of the current administration, are censoring and banning those who do not agree with and support their ideology.

Religious freedom is eroding and being attacked by the socialist-communist who has used the China virus as a pretense to close down places of worship.

The socialist-communist party has begun to attack our right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment.

Executive orders at the federal level, as well as the passage of laws in Democrat-run cities and states, are seriously restricting our rights under the Second Amendment.

The Fourth Amendment is being denied to former President Donald Trump. On August 8th, roughly 30 federal agents executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida home of former President Donald Trump, an unprecedented action.

His Constitutional right to be secure in his house and papers were violated by the FBI. The warrant allowing the FBI to search and confiscate items from his home lacked clarity, specificity and was overreaching.

The unprecedented manner in which associates of President Trump were publicly arrested was intended to intimidate and embarrass these individuals, denying them their Fourth Amendment right to be secure in their person.

The Sixth Amendment rights of those who participated in the January 6th protest were seriously and cruelly denied. Many of these individuals spent months in confinement and were denied their right to bail or a speedy trial.

Many of these individuals were forced to plead guilty to crimes they had not committed in order to end the government's denial of a speedy trial or bail.

The Tenth Amendment, which clearly prohibits the federal government from assuming any function or responsibility not delegated within the Constitution, has been extensively violated creating a bloated, overreaching, and costly government.

Costly to the tune of thirty-plus trillion dollars in debt, a significant amount of which has been borrowed by countries hostile to the United States.

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