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Convention of States!


Team NJ Brings the Heat!

Published in Blog on June 30, 2024 by Mary Bailey

The sweltering temperatures in New Jersey broke just in time for the Convention of States team to bring the heat to our Legislators in Trenton. On Monday, June 24, approximately 70 team members attended a rally to call on our NJ Legislators to pass the COS Resolution and join the 19 other states that have done so already.

The rally featured inspiring speakers from among our supporters in the Legislature, including Assemblyman Erik Peterson (primary sponsor of the COS Resolution in the NJ Assembly along with Assemblyman Robert Auth) and Senator Carmen Amato Jr. (a co-sponsor of the COS Resolution in the NJ Senate). The keynote speaker was Senator Rick Santorum, former US Senator from Pennsylvania and now the Senior Advisor to Convention of States.

The day was enjoyable and ended with an educational tour of the Capitol for 23 interested volunteers who were led by a very knowledgeable guide. Here are some overall reflections on the day from attendees:

Bill Smith, District Captain “Assemblyman Peterson and Senator Amato rallied the troops; the Assemblyman might as well have had a trumpet -- he cried out for freedom and self-governance for We The People, and he called out the federal government for the deaf, corrupt and power-hungry behemoth that it has become. The perfect summation of where we find ourselves in America today and the dire urgency of our duty to save our Republic was delivered with passion, humor, spontaneity, and authenticity by COSA's own Senator Rick Santorum. He called all of us, united us, inspired us, to do our God-given duty and take part in the saving of our United States.”

Donald MacLeay, State Videographer “Even if we didn't get to meet with all of our legislators, we got to hear some great speeches and meet with our National reps.”

Francesca Nordin, District Captain, State Content Writer, Telepatriot Volunteer “Overall experience is related to Assemblyman Erik Peterson saying we beg for rights, think we get some, and then ask for others; the 2nd point he stressed is that these rights are ours already. This aspect of the tyranny that has brought us together in COS is my take away giving me more resolve to work at all things based on what God has ordained for us and to learn about natural law.”

Paul Price, District Captain, Follow Up Team Member, State Information Analyst Team “Each speaker, including the COS State Directors, COS National Leaders, COS SCW LL, and NJ elected officials, inspired me and others to continue advocating for the necessary changes in our country. And Senator Rick Santorum’s comments were amazing! Finally, it was wonderful to meet other volunteers from around the state and make new friends!”

Daniel Rogers, Regional Captain-Central West “I’m excited about this new annual gathering…to see it grow and for us to master the science of doing these events better each year!  More importantly, I think we are breaking out of our shells legislatively as leaders. Great job to everyone who contributed!”

COS New Jersey is a solid team! If you’d like to join us, please sign the petition and help save our country.

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