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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Celebrating the grassroots in Michigan -- and everywhere

Published in Blog on June 25, 2024 by Matt May

Last week, the Michigan State Senate approved Senate Resolution No. 62, which declares the week of June 23-29 as Grassroots Week in Michigan. 

The resolution honors grassroots leaders and precinct delegates throughout the state and acknowledges the importance of civic participation in the political process. The resolution in part states that grassroots leaders "deserve recognition for their sacrifice of time, energy, and passion."

In that spirit, the leadership and staff of Convention of States Action wish to recognize and reiterate our gratitude for the efforts of the entire Michigan COS team and every COS team and volunteer throughout the republic. 

It is you who organize the meetings to spread the word about Article V. It is you who man the tables at events and knock on doors in sweltering heat and cold rain to and educate your fellow citizens about COS. It is you who write letters to the editor, engage and establish ties with legislators and their staffers, and drive hundreds of miles to attend surge days in order to push the COS resolution through the legislative process. It is you who participate in TelePatriot missions to help forward initiatives in your state and others. 

It is you who keep at it, even in the face of challenges and, yes, sometimes defeat in committee or a vote of a full House or Senate chamber. You are undaunted and valiant, practicing the grassroots federalism imagined by the Founders when they made the individual citizen sovereign, and which is vital to the health of the republic. 

Nineteen of the 34 states needed to call an Article V convention passed the COS resolution. Progress in states like North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Hawai'i, and Massachusetts is inspiring. Legislation in preparation for convention, affirming parental rights in education, and basic civil rights has been passed or is moving through various state legislatures. That is all because of you.

There are perhaps those who agree with and support our course toward an Article V convention, yet feel overwhelmed by what we are trying to accomplish. What can a single person do in the face of such a task? Isn't signing the petition enough?

One of the most attractive attributes of the COS grassroots is that the contribution of any time and talent is significant. The smallest act can make the difference. As the Anglo-Irish statesman and philosopher Edmund Burke wrote: "Nobody has made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little." 

You never make that mistake. 

So while this is indeed Grassroots Week in Michigan, every week is Grassroots Week at COSA. We salute you and stand ready to serve you in any way that we can. 

Thank you for all that you do for the cause of liberty. 

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