Since forever, governments have loved finding new ways to oppress and control people—it’s what government is best at, after all. As technology advances, elites and government officials are finding new ways to commit such acts and be more efficient at it.
A while back, I was asked by a friend why a central bank digital currency (CBDC) also known as a “digital dollar” would be such a bad thing, as, technically, we already have digital dollars. That number in your bank account is digital. Banks don’t just keep our money in a vault somewhere, after all. They take our money and put it into investments. They set aside a certain amount of money so that if you wish to withdraw your money, they can hand you physical cash. Of course, if everyone went to their bank asking for their money, the bank would not be able to provide everyone with their physical fiat currency. My friend went on to point out what happened to the truckers protesting the vaccine mandates in Canada who had their bank accounts frozen under direction of the tyrannical Canadian government.
So, how would a CBDC really be different than our current U.S. dollar?
Freezing bank accounts would be WAY easier for governments with a CBDC
With a CBDC, the government could freeze your bank account with the flip of a switch. In the U.S., when a bank account gets frozen, it can be for a few reasons including suspicious activity, account inactivity, and unpaid debt. in the latter case, a creditor or debt collector can obtain a court judgment against you or your joint account holder, and the account will be legally allowed to be frozen so that the funds in the account can be held for later collection by the creditor.
Read the full article at The Kansas Constitutional