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Can the Constitution Survive Under Today's Progressive Rule

Published in Blog on September 01, 2022 by LeRoy E Cossette

The Constitution of the United States and our God-given rights that this historical document guarantees to each and every American citizen is being deliberately denigrated and feloniously ignored by the current regime. 

Our Constitution is being thrashed and blatantly attacked by progressives who are attempting to eliminate our Constitution under the guise that it is no longer relevant and does not reflect modern day needs.

Americans and our political leaders have forgotten that it was the states that created the federal government for the purpose of providing limited functions and not the federal government that created the several states.     
The 10th Amendment to the Constitution clearly recognizes the sovereignty of the states by clarifying that “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

This fact is hardly recognizable, given the mass takeover of states' rights and responsibilities by a power-hungry federal bureaucracy. 

The Constitution, which is the foundation under which the laws of the United States are formulated, is continuously being diluted whenever the court is dominated by radical socialist justices. These justices are constantly legislating from the bench in violation of separation of power as articulated in Articles I, II, and III of the Constitution.

Those placed in the highest positions of leadership are openly violating Section 8 of Article I, which charges the federal government with the responsibility of providing for the common defense of our country and, by extension, the security of our borders. 

We are being invaded by foreign individuals through our southern border by hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, including unknown numbers of terrorists, human traffickers, MS-13 murderers, and drug smugglers – drugs which are killing tens of thousands of young American citizens.

We are systematically and openly being stripped of our right to self-determination, religious freedoms, and our right to keep and bear arms without any infringement by the government.

The federal government is shamelessly assaulting and eroding away our First and Second Amendment rights. 

These hostile governing entities are passing unconstitutional executive orders and laws attempting to restrict our rights, slowly but systematically, under the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution. 

Enormous amounts of money (trillions) are spent by the federal government on state and local projects, grants, and entitlements. Expenditures clearly not authorized to the federal government as written in the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.  

It is far past time to Convene a "Convention of States" to stop socialists/communists from their determined path to destroy our Constitution and our Constitutional Republic.

Constitution Day is an ideal time to become more actively involved with the Convention of States Action organization and help our movement obtain the 34-state threshold required to convene a Convention of States. 

Make repeated calls and send written letters to state representatives and senators demanding they support the passage of the Resolution to convene a Convention of State. 

We can stop the erosion of our Constitution and save our Constitutional Republic, but only if we all become engaged and make it crystal clear to those sworn to represent us that we have had enough, and we demand they act accordingly. 

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Convention of states action

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