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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Calling All Patriots to Help Save the Nation – Step Up DELAWARE!

Published in Uncategorized on June 27, 2022 by Article V Patriot

Convention of States is the last hope for restoring self-governance and liberty to We the People.

Our grassroots army is made up of thousands of patriots who are dedicated to the cause, and we could not be where we are today without our active supporters and volunteers. 

Today, we’re asking for citizens of Delaware to take a stand, raise their voices and be heard across every county in the state. 

We need District Captains to grow our grassroots army here in Delaware. Will you join us? 

As a citizen, it’s your responsibility to be engaged. As Thomas Jefferson once said:

“We in America do not have government by the majority—we have government by the majority who participate... All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”  

Do not remain silent. Get involved!

We need active participation from the grassroots, from people who see the problems our nation faces and also seek attainable solutions, like an Article V Convention of States.

Now is the time to step up, BEFORE it’s too late. You’ve found a worthy cause… now you must become part of it! You’ll find connection and purpose with like-minded people around the state while making a REAL difference.

Doing nothing gives us a predictable ending. Consider becoming a District Captain. 

Fill out the form below if you are interested in becoming a Convention of States District Captain, or if you would like to learn more about what the part-time volunteer position entails. 

Team Delaware is looking forward to hearing from you!

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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