The following was written by Debra Oresko, State Communications Coordinator for COS California.
Amidst the storm of dissatisfaction with Washington, there is an anchor for Californians who, due to our broken federal system, feel hopeless to influence the politics that affect their daily lives.
The Constitution provides a lifesaver in Article V which empowers citizens, through their state legislatures, to restore the power stolen by the Washington establishment.
"…on the Application of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments…" -Article V, U.S. Constitution
Only the Convention of States’ limited resolution calling for a reduction in federal power can adequately address the imbalance that dooms the millennial generation with massive debt, unbridled spending and the growing loss of personal freedom, which will ultimately deny all of us our sovereign right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Californians have a voice through the Convention of States by asking legislators to pass the resolution and join the twelve other states that have already passed. The question before us is “Who Decides?” The answer should be, "We the People decide." Author David Hackett Fischer wrote about the choice in his book about Paul Revere’s Ride:
"…to be free is to choose. The history of a free people is a history of hard choices." (1994)
Revere rode to help liberate the colonies from the tyranny of a ruling elite. His part made a difference that we remember, to this day. These words should inspire us now.