The California Convention of States Team decided the time was now. Time to take action. Plans for a January 2022 Lobby Day were set. An opportunity to share with our Legislators the promise Article V in the Constitution brings to We the People. The path to creating amendments to control the overreach of the federal government.
Lobby Day shifted to a local level because of covid shutdowns at the capital. Volunteers all over the state have been writing letters and making calls to their legislators for months in preparation for the event. Many leaders held local handwritten letter parties while National and State leaders helped prepare literature to share with our legislators. Petition lists were updated and printed to share.
COS leadership started to make appointments for local meetings. Quickly discovering covid was challenging our plans. But our movement could not be stopped. Each district is approaching the challenge uniquely. Districts are arranging drop-offs, some are sharing a cup of coffee and finding technology (Zoom meetings) to be our friend. We are making contacts and building relationships.
Our district joined a planned Zoom meeting by state Legislative Liaison Rick Heiler with assemblyman’s associate. Joined by District Captain Alison Moon and 3 other COS supporters. All COS supporters introduced themselves and stated their reasons for supporting COS. The associate was receptive to their words. We shared with him that we had many fresh petition signatures. Of the 50+ pages of signatures, 10 pages were from just last year.
What happened next pleased us all. The associate shared that in the last six months, the office had received over many emails/letters expressing support for Convention of States. He then added that this is by far the most feedback received on any issue! The only other topic to come close in response was vaccine mandate concerns.
The associate explained the assemblyman shares our concerns about an overreaching federal government and excessive debt. But, this is California. They need to hear more in our district and other districts in the state to move the cause forward.
Convention of States CAN make a difference as a movement in California! We are building a grassroots army of like-minded patriots. One letter and phone call at a time. Speak Up!
California’s Grassroots Speak Up!
Published in Blog on January 19, 2022 by Alison Moon and Michelle Mackey