Recently, Jackie LaBarbera, District Captain of District 1, rallied the grassroots in her district at a booth during the Shasta County Fair on June 23-26, 2021. The goal? To gather as many signatures as possible in support of an Article V Convention Of States to propose amendments to the Constitution:
- Term Limits
- Fiscal Restraints
- Limit Size, Scope, Jurisdiction
"I most enjoyed discussing with other Americans the issues our country is facing and how I believe a Convention Of States is the solution." James Johnson explained. "Several people were understandably skeptical as movements to change the country's trajectory come and go. Having the opportunity to explain the method and goals of a Convention Of States was a lot of fun. Hearing other people talk passionately about our country made me proud to be out there and excited for the next event."
Jackie is an enthusiastic, passionate, dedicated patriot who has decided to continue to honor the oath she took during her time serving in the United States Military. Yes, she is a Veteran who has decided to take action locally to serve our country domestically. And she couldn't be happier doing so, with the team that she is assembling in her district.
"It was an amazing experience for me! I absolutely loved speaking with the 300 or so people I had the privilege to meet. I equally appreciated those who opposed COS, as well as those who were for it. I learned a lot from both sides!" Jackie remarked. "Most memorable to me was the unlikely relationship and dialogue my volunteers and I fostered with partisan activists and their sponsored politician in a booth across from us. It was an honor to serve my community."
In true California fashion, Jackie and her volunteers set an unprecedented record number of petitions gathered for California at one event to date. And we couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments. Jackie and her team collected 400 signatures! For those who may be in a bit of disbelief, allow me to say that number again, 400!
"The fair was a wonderful venue to educate people about the importance of the U. S. Constitution and the brilliance and foresight of our fore fathers to have put Article V into the Constitution for times such as this when the federal government has over reached their powers for self gain and not for the good of our country." - Nelda Johnson
California is home to some of the most culturally diverse, patriotic, freedom-loving, Americans in this country. And if Washington, D.C., thinks they have nothing to worry about from the citizens that call its shores home, well, they are in for a great awakening.
If you haven't been paying attention to what's going on in California, that's alright. It just means that Washington isn't paying attention, either. And that, my friends, just might be the key to getting our power back. You see, there is something happening here that is about to turn the tables on the elites in control of the swamp.
The current administration decided to hand-select a number of California's authoritarian former heads of our State Government. The same ones that went along with locking us down, closing our businesses, restricting our movements, closing our schools, and who supported the disastrous AB5 bill that did away with a person's right to work for themselves as independent contractors. They took these policies with them to Washington, D.C., and now Californians from every single side of the aisle you can think of are standing up to say, "No! Enough is Enough!"
They understand that California policies are unwelcome and unwanted for the patriots of this great nation.
"It actually gave my faith in my fellow Americans a boost, to discover that there really are people like me who love our country and our flag and all it stands for, and are willing to sign a petition toward a grass-roots request for a Convention of States to try to make a difference in the direction our beloved country has been moving." - Joyce Creller