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California committee to hear Convention of States resolution

Published in Blog on July 17, 2017 by Convention Of States Project

We are the Paul Reveres of our time, and our time has come to Stand Up, Show Up and Speak Up at the California State Capitol!

AJR 10 is scheduled to be heard by the Assembly Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, May 12th at the capitol building in Sacramento.  The hearing starts at 9:00am in Room 4202 (AJR 10 is the last item on the agenda…and the title is being corrected).  Below are details on the Judiciary Committee Hearing and Members; and attached (again) are the committee member roster with example talking points that may be used when contacting these representatives. 

* Judiciary Committee Hearing Details, Contact Roster, Talking Points.

Remember, only two speakers will be testifying (Mark Meckler and one of the state leaders), but we understand now that there will also be an opportunity (however brief) for public comments.  For our children and grandchildren, let’s demonstrate our resolve to stand up for the Constitution, show that this is NOT a partisan issue, and ask these representatives (and remind them of their duty) to support an Article V convention of the states to take back our power and reign in the federal government! 

We plan to have name tags and small signs to hold in the gallery so the committee can visibly see our support, so let’s not let them down.  Remember, our strongest opposition currently comes from the Vice Chairman, Assemblyman Donald Wagner (CA 68), so let’s make a positive show of support for him, and let’s show the entire committee that we’re NOT afraid of using the power that was given to us in the Constitution to reign in Washington DC!   AJR 10 deserves consideration by the full house. 

Please spread this message as far and wide as possible.  We look forward to seeing you there!  (I'll be following up again shortly as the day approaches...please stay tuned...)

For Liberty,
Clayton Smith
California State Director 

Sign the petition here:


Assembly Judiciary Committee

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

9:00 a.m. - State Capitol, Room 4202

A.J.R. No.  10  Grove. Federal constitutional convention: application.  *(The title is being corrected to reflect an “Article V Convention of States”)

CA 3       James Gallagher             

PARTY: REP        

CAPITOL: 916-319-2003                 

DISTRICT: 530-895-4217                


MAILING ADDRESS:  P.O. Box 942849, Room 5128, Sacramento, CA 94249-0003

COS Petition Signatures:               222

CA 17     David Chiu         


CAPITOL:  916-319-2017

DISTRICT:  415-557-3013


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 2196, Sacramento, CA 94249-0017

COS Petition Signatures:               35

CA 29     *Mark Stone (Chairman)     


CAPITOL:  916-319-2029

DISTRICT:  831-425-1503


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 5155, Sacramento, CA 94249-0029

COS Petition Signatures:               163

CA 30     Luis Alejo


CAPITOL:  916-319-2030

DISTRICT:  831-759-8676


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 2117, Sacramento, CA 94249-0030

COS Petition Signatures:               96

CA 41     Chris Holden    


CAPITOL:  916-319-2041

DISTRICT:  626-351-1917


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 319, Sacramento, CA 94249-0041

COS Petition Signatures:               137

CA 49     Edwin Chau       

PARTY:  DEM     

CAPITOL:  916-319-2049

DISTRICT:  323-264-4949


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 2179, Sacramento, CA 94249-0049

COS Petition Signatures:               62

CA 58     Cristina Garcia


CAPITOL:  916-319-2058

DISTRICT:  562-861-5803


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 2013, Sacramento, CA 94249-0058

COS Petition Signatures:               47

CA 68     *Donald Wagner (Vice-Chairman)            

PARTY: REP        

CAPITOL:  916-319-2068

DISTRICT:  714-665-6868               


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 3098, Sacramento, CA 94249-0068

COS Petition Signatures:               135

CA 70     Patrick O’Donnell           

PARTY:  DEM     

CAPITOL:  916-319-2070

DISTRICT:  562-495-2915


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 4166, Sacramento, CA 94249-0070

COS Petition Signatures:               78

CA 77     Brian Maienschein         


CAPITOL:  916-319-2077

DISTRICT:  858-675-0077


MAILING ADDRESS:        P.O. Box 942849, Room 4139, Sacramento, CA 94249-0077

COS Petition Signatures:               129

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