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Bureaucrats are the worst: NY Department of Health shuts down boy's lemonade stand

Published in Blog on August 02, 2018 by Article V Patriot

Bureaucrats have one goal: to implement policies and expand the power of the agency.

That principle was on full display this weekend in New York, where a Health and Human Services agent shut down a young boy's lemonade stand.

The boy, 7-year-old Brendan Mulvaney, had been hoping to raise money for a trip to Disney World.

The Daily Signal reports:

Brendan was hoping to raise money for a family trip to Disney World.

Then, the New York Department of Health showed up to teach Brendan that dreams don’t always come true. [...]

When the official walked over to the Mulvaneys’ house, she immediately asked whether they had a permit to run the lemonade stand. While the official was wearing a Department of Health shirt, she did not introduce herself, leave any contact information, or conduct an inspection.

Brendan did not have a permit for the stand, so the official told his parents to shut it down.

The bureaucrats who shut down Brendan's stand operate at the state level, but bureaucrats at all levels of governance have the same goals and the same disregard for the real people their decisions affect. The federal bureaucratic state has for too long expanded its power and reach, and the American people have paid the price.

Fortunately, the Founders didn't leave us without recourse. An Article V Convention of States can shrink the power and jurisdiction of the bureaucratic state and return that power to the people.

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