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Bullyism is for Bullies, Not Our Elected Officials

Published in Blog on November 03, 2021 by Jeffrey W Brown

Bullyism is a form of coercion that is extremely distasteful to the American public, but not to the bully. The more bullyism works to achieve the bully’s objectives, the more he uses bullyism to achieve the result he wants. The only thing a bully understands is a pushback from those he bullies.

What the Founding Fathers feared most has come to pass in many respects – unchecked government power, but it is more than the government that tries to bully the American public into behavior and practices which we do not like:

The elites in Hollywood want us to accept their political diatribes. The military elites want the rank and file to be “woke.” The elite rich want to have their way so they can make more money. The college elitists want to indoctrinate us to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Marxism. Black Lives Matter (BLM) advocates tell us that if you are white, you are a racist to divide us. The Marxists want to build a utopian society where everyone is poor except for the rulers. The teaching elite want parents to stop whining and let them pick the curriculum for students. Other elite groups are trying to push us to accept their point of view.

What is common among these elite groups? They want money and power to flow their way. They want the American public to stand down and stop opposing their view. In the end, they want to be the oligarchy that survives so they gain all the benefits at the expense of the American people. In most cases, the elite groups try to influence government to act in a way that is beneficial to themselves.  

Elitist oligarchs do not care about what is important to the American Public. We want to raise our families, be rewarded for a job well done, receive just compensation for the work we do, be treated fairly, and leave us to live our lives in the pursuit of happiness.

The problem is that life is not fair. Generally, rewards go the people who work the hardest, who take a chance and fail, but get up and try again. Everyone must have a skill and be good at something that will benefit his fellow man. Every person can be a success (however he defines success), if he follows the formula for success. There are no guarantees that following the success rules will bring you success, but those who consider themselves successful do follow these rules. Because of human nature, many of us never achieve success, but we do achieve happiness.

As soon as we achieve one goal, we find another goal to achieve. Happiness seems to be in the journey of trying to be a success. The government tries to put all people into one mold. They would do better to pass legislation whereby all people are treated equally and be given equal opportunity. As it is today, the government is picking winners and losers, which is not their job.

Parents have the right to guide their children’s education and to push back at the bullyism of elected school boards. School boards serve at the pleasure of the taxpayer and the taxpayer have a say in what curriculum is taught in schools. Of course, the alternative is to vote the rascals out of office. An interesting thought: 80 percent of the people dislike the way government is intruding into their lives, but we keep voting the same candidates back into office. When will we ever learn? As Albert Einstein said: “To keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result is ludicrous.”  

We are busy people and we do not spend enough time understanding our candidates so that we can make an informed decision. It is not about being a Republican or a Democrat, it is about electing people that will do the best job to promote society and our country. For this very reason, the American people were given Article Five of the Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence stated that, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive…, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.”

The Founding Fathers gave us a tool to alter our government peacefully by allowing the American People to propose amendments, irrespective of elitists, Congress, of other outside influence, for the purpose of reigning in an out-of-control government.

Upon ratification of three-fourths of the legislatures of the States, these proposed amendments become the Law of the Land. The sure way to counter bullyism is to vote the rascals out of office and bring back the original intentions of the Constitution through Article Five, the Convention of States.

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