America, we have a problem.
The United Nations (U.N.) coined the phrase Build Back Better (BBB) as part of the "Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030." The use of the phrase is intended to spur public interest in post-disaster recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction periods to rebuild in a way that reduces future risks.
In reality, it has become a phrase used by Progressives to lull the public to accept a total transformation of American culture. Theoretically, this cultural change will compel us to think of ourselves as Global Citizens rather than American Citizens.
Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) has hijacked the phrase "Build Back Better" to use as a post-COVID-19 global rebuilding which includes removing national boundaries. That's why it feels like our American patriotism is dying; like the America you grew up in and love is disappearing. The greater the advancement of a one-world system, let's call it Globalism, our national boundaries disappear.
Just like every other time we've compromised our rights, we fall further down the socio-economic and education drain. For a wealthy country like the USA, we become poorer and give up modern conveniences so we can lose our national identity on the global stage.
Are you ready to give up all ownership to the federal government, which will become secondary to the global leadership? Will you be content giving up most of the rights you enjoy as an American? Take a look at point three of the WEF's eight-point plan to achieve its Global Agenda.
- All products will become services.
- There is a global price on carbon.
- USA dominance is over.
- Farewell hospital, hello home-spital.
- We are eating much less meat.
- Today's Syrian refugees, 2030's CEOs.
- The values that built the West will reach their breaking point.
- "By the 2030s, we'll be ready to move humans toward the Red Planet."
These bullet points sound asinine, but we can already see the machine moving in that direction. The academics who promote socialism have by training (i.e., higher education indoctrination) accepted that everyone can be equal and productive without incentive and be happy about it. Looking through only one lens, it may hold some attraction, but human beings don't live in a vacuum. We can't be inspired and live fulfilling lives by settling for a mouse wheel and cheese.
Educators want to educate. A professor in a Mississippi university once told the class of future school administrators that teachers are just frustrated actors with a captive audience. Everyone laughed, as intended, but it seems some are buying their own joke. Educators are good at educating, not so much replacing parents. Yet they are gaining support from the current administration, labor unions, and global leaders to override parental decisions regarding their children. Sounds reminiscent of every country that turned socialist on the way to communism, doesn't it?
"Build Back Better" is now rebranded as the "Great Reset", which is also rebranded from "Great Reset of Capitalism". An accurate explanation of the World Economic Forum, as stated by James Delingpole is: "The WEF holds the annual summit at Davos in Switzerland where, it is said, 'billionaires go to lecture millionaires on how ordinary people live.'"
The Only Legal, Peaceful Solution
The Convention of States offers the only peaceful and legal option left to put a halt to this American sell-out for global power. The Convention of States is working hard in Mississippi to prepare state leaders, delegates, and citizens to craft amendments in two areas in which we are most at risk as a nation.
The first is imposing fiscal restraint on Congress. By requiring a balanced budget, for example, we will force spending sobriety on the entire federal government. As a result, the massive wealth transfer that is happening today via overfunded government agencies will be limited or halted. Recently, we have seen the National Institute of Health (NIH) admit it did fund the gain of function research which may have brought about the COVID-19 pandemic. Truly any expenditure or regulation from any agency that has a societal impact exceeding $10 million dollars should be voted on the record by the house and senate. In that way, our elected representatives will be on record and unable to hide behind out-of-control agencies.
Secondly, limiting the authority of the federal government to the original distribution of powers laid out in our United States Constitution. That's what the Constitution is designed to do - provide a structure for operating that prevents Congress or a President from overreaching into the rights of her citizens and the operations of the States.
We have a great deal of work ahead of us, but we aren't starting from scratch. If you are new to the Convention of States grassroots movement, welcome. There is a way for everyone to participate. Here are some ways to become part of this courageous and determined body of American citizens.