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Budget disaster: Promises made, promises broken

Published in Blog on June 02, 2023 by LeRoy E Cossette

This week, our representatives in Washington solidified what many American citizens have known for years: In Washington, D.C. there is no difference between a Republican and Democrat when it comes to fiscal restraint. 

By a bipartisan vote of 314 to 117, the House voted to pass the debt ceiling deal made between Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden, the “Fiscal Responsibility Act.” The bill now moves to the Senate where it is guaranteed to pass and then to the President’s desk for his signature into law.

In keeping with Speaker McCarthy’s promise to America and to the Republican members of the House, the House passed the “Limit, Save, Grow Act,” which delivered on their promise to bring back fiscal sanity to the federal government.

The “Limit, Save, Grow Act” called for total base discretionary spending to return to fiscal 2022 levels, which was already the highest federal government spending year in American history. Instead, the House of Representatives passed a spending bill, the so-called “Fiscal Responsibility Act,” which totally suspends the debt ceiling for two years, giving the Biden administration a firm blank check to spend at will over the next two years.

The “Limit, Save, Grow Act” called for the roughly $50 billion in unspent COVID funds to be rescinded. The Biden/McCarthy “Fiscal Responsibility Act,” rescinds only $28 billion, transferring the remaining $22 billion into the hands of the Department of Commerce and making that money available to our federal bureaucracy to spend on “pork barrel” initiatives.

Of major concern to American citizens and included in the Republican-passed “Limit, Save, Grow Act” was the rescinding of the $70 billion funding for an additional 72,000 new IRS agents. The Biden/McCarthy “Fiscal Responsibility Act” only rescinded $1.4 billion and no restrictions on the hiring of the additional 72,000 IRS agents. Far short of the roughly $70 billion provided to the IRS and the Republican House member’s promise to eliminate this pending attack on American taxpayers.

At a time when American families are suffering from record-high inflation, record-high interest rates, and real take-home wages falling, we were promised by Speaker McCarthy and the Republican Party that the federal government’s fiscal insanity would be brought to an end.

Conservatives around the country rallied together and gave our elected representatives this chance to save our nation from fiscal destruction. Congressional conservatives should have stood together and demanded a bill worthy of their efforts and their promises to “We the People.”

While our nation is faced with an unprecedented fiscal crisis and a largely unchecked woke and weaponized federal bureaucracy, it’s business as usual in our federal government. 

Once again, its promises made promises broken by those we elected to protect America’s survival. It has been said again and again, we cannot look to our elected federal officials to come to America’s rescue.

There is only one way and one way only for the survival of our Constitutional Republic and that is the convening of a Convention of States under Article V of the Constitution. Without this means, we as freedom-loving American patriots are doomed.

Time is running out for our Republic; it is now or never that each one of us engages and becomes very vocal regarding our loss of faith in our representatives.  

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