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Convention of States!


Boosting Maryland’s Constitutional IQ!

Published in Blog on July 21, 2020 by Stephen Patten

With Constitution Day coming up on September 17, it may be worth revisiting a study by The Annenberg Public Policy Center which found that about 1 in 10 Americans (12%) believe that the Bill of Rights includes “the right to own a pet.”

Let’s face it—talking to people about a Convention of States and the U.S. Constitution is a challenge. Most Americans studied the Constitution briefly in school and promptly filed it under “dusty history on a shelf,” where it was soon forgotten.

Few have ever heard of Constitution Day, much less have done anything to celebrate it. It's a small wonder that many can’t tell you what’s in the Bill of Rights but nevertheless feel secure in their constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep an iguana or a parakeet.

What’s more, discussions of the Constitution by necessity include talk of articles and amendments, dates from long ago, and names of vaguely recognized historical figures, not to mention lots of big words and intimidating scholarly topics like originalism and textualism. These are guaranteed to produce that deer-in-the-headlights expression in friends and family alike.  

Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg--who developed a PBS documentary on the Constitution--recently pointed to the woeful constitutional ignorance of the general public as a threat to our form of government, particularly among young people. Ginsberg noted he would, “fear for the republic if there were a constitutional convention today because of that ignorance.”

Convention of States Maryland is taking steps to raise the Constitutional IQ in the Free State with several initiatives aimed at making the topic more fun, interesting, and current.The first is a series of short videos titled “The Constitutional Minute.” Here’s one of many to come, which will include easily understandable, informative content on the Constitution and how our government works. (Click the image below to view.)

COS Maryland is also launching a weekly contest/quiz, where a constitutional or civics-related question will be sent to COS members and other interested parties and will also be posted on our Facebook page and other social media.

The first to respond with the correct answer will receive a COS Maryland t-shirt! Keep an eye out for these to drop on Fridays.

The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia once said of the Constitution, “It’s a fantastic document. I’m not sure our people appreciate what a marvelous document it is.”

COS Maryland concurs with Scalia’s assessment. Through our outreach initiatives we hope to share that enthusiasm and excitement with everyone in the state—even those who don’t own a pet!

Extra Credit

Take the Constitution Quiz and see where you stand in your state and nationally! There are a few trick questions, and some hilarious answers to choose from, but you’ll be surprised at how much you know. There are Advanced and Expert levels, too.

Click here to get involved!
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