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to call for a

Convention of States!


Blacksmith Leads Imlay City Town Hall

Published in Blog on December 15, 2021 by Michele Haroon

The Convention of States Michigan (COS) team is hosting a Town Hall event in Imlay City on Saturday, December 11, with Truman Mast, father of five, and District Captain ("DC") for HD #82, as the keynote speaker.

Truman has led several similar events at this location in 2021, some with as many as 90+ attendees who were inspired, knowing there’s a legal solution to our country’s problems, and knowing they could get involved as little, or as much, as their schedule allows, from signing the petition to volunteering in a variety of ways.

Past attendees also learned that more people getting involved as volunteers equals a better chance that reasonable people can take back America!

Where: Eastern Michigan Fairgrounds, in the beige building (pictured) across from the McDonald's at 635 S.Cedar St. in Imlay City

When: 6-7:30 p.m.

Facebook event link.

Eventbrite link. FREE event. No tickets needed

The event aims to discuss a nonpartisan constitutional solution to the problems of government overreach and overspending, and career politicians.

Truman has been working as a volunteer to help make this amending solution a reality, with the goal of preserving freedom. He has served as a District Captain.

"My hope for this nation is that people will wake up spiritually, and return to decency and respect for one another," he said. "The only way I know how to do that is by starting with myself, my own vessel.”

When asked how he became involved, Truman said: "I was taking the Biblical Citizenship course by Patriot Academy, which included (COS Co-founder and CEO) Mark Meckler. I had learned about Biblical Citizenship from being involved with Wallbuilders, led by David Barton. That’s where I heard about COS. I signed the petition online, signed up to volunteer, and the rest is history. When a leader from COS called me to start the process, I asked, 'What role is needed most,' and here I am now as a District Captain.” 

The Convention of States "Take Action” page lists a variety of volunteer opportunities and time needed for each, such as District Captain, Volunteer Activist, Follow Up Team Member, Content Writer, and more.

Truman, pictured with two of his five children, at the recent Woods & Water festival in Imlay City. He is a District Captain with Convention of States Michigan. He and his wife coach Biblical Citizenship courses through Patriot Academy.

The Convention of States resolution allows for constitutional amendment proposals limited to three subjects, which include imposing fiscal restraints on Washington, limiting federal power and jurisdiction, and setting term limits for federal officials. 

COS has passed its resolution in 15 states and has a long list of endorsers. You can sign the petition online by visiting

If you would like to volunteer but don't know how you want to help, feel free to "check" the box next to "I would like to volunteer" at the end of the petition. Someone will contact you and help you discover what works best for your circumstances based on your interest, time, and skills. No prior knowledge is needed. At, Convention of States provides free and flexible training.

These helpful resources clarify the Convention of States solution and how you can help:

1. Printable Answers to FAQs

2. Three-minute video

3. Volunteer roles: District Captain, Volunteer Activist, Follow Up Team Member, and Content Writer, to name a few.

Just as the attendees of previous events were inspired, Truman believes you will have a similar experience and is looking forward to meeting you Saturday! 

Contact Truman at or call (810) 614-4845 for more information about Saturday's event or to get involved with the Convention of States project.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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