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Convention of States!


COS Celebrates Freedom at Black Hills Round Up

Published in Blog on July 14, 2021 by Jackie Rausch

The Black Hills Round Up has been celebrating America's Independence Day for over 100 years. This year's crowd gathered to shoot fireworks, watch the rodeo performance and participate in a thrilling 4th of July parade, and reflect on the freedoms granted to us from our Constitution. 

Convention of States volunteers were there to encourage everyone to take a stand for freedom and call for term limits, controlled national spending and limited federal government overreach. The COS warriors were active throughout the event and visible all over Belle Fourche, S.D. 

During the rodeos, volunteers set up a booth to gather signatures in support of an Article V convention and had more than 75 citizens sign petitions. 

Paula Gregg, Dawn Laskowski and Robin Wilkins met before the event to organize and map out a strategy for having a COS presence during the Round Up.

"Our team kept a portable folding table pretty bare bones, as it was an outdoor venue, but the star of the little patriot zone was an outstanding COS banner," said Wilkins. "It was impossible to miss. Even on the one evening where we had rather strong winds, that sign didn’t budge!"

The ladies set up a little 'patriot zone' right at the entrance of the fairgrounds, so the Convention of States message was the first folks saw upon arrival.

"Our banner attracted a lot of attention," said Wilkins. "Interested and curious people approached our table and we had lots of great conversations with patriots not only from the local tristate area, but also gained signatures from thirteen other states, including Ohio, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New York and Maryland."

One gentleman from Wyoming literally charged up to the table, grabbed a pen and said something to the effect of 'I’ve been looking for this!' 

He explained he was a rancher from the Gillette area as well as a citizen who worked with a couple of “government agencies." He expressed his frustration with the current bureaucracy that permeates much of government today.

Another memorable encounter was a lady who was a naturalized American citizen originally from Mexico and a new resident of South Dakota. She eagerly signed our petition, as she obviously loves America, and is now concerned to see some of America’s freedoms being threatened.

The team didn't plan on being set up a third night, but COS volunteer Erika Carter from Lead offered to help set up the table and gather petition signatures. So the momentum carried over thanks to her efforts along with her supportive family.

"It was a blast working with the COS booth for the Fourth of July Roundup Rodeos," said Gregg. "The response from in-State and out-of-state patriots was so encouraging. People are eager to sign the petition and are appreciative of the work we are doing."

The grassroots warriors' mission was not done yet. The big capstone event for the Round Up is the Independence Day parade. For the second year in a row, the COS patriots gathered to spread the news and invite people to join the movement.

This year’s float grew compared to 2020, now complete with a trailer and the addition of an ATV also carrying signs and pocket petitions. Volunteers of all ages rode the float, waving signs and ringing bells along the route.

“We had an outstanding reception from the crowd,” said Kirk Rausch, COS volunteer. “When people see the call for federal term limits we get all kinds of thumbs up and ‘heck yes’ comments.”

Rausch, along with District Captain Derek Besler, moved in and out of the crowd lining the streets to pass out petitions for people to fill out and send back to the team. 

“Several folks asked me for an extra copy to have their spouse or friend also sign,” said Rausch.

Following the parade, volunteers set up a booth again to collect even more petitions from citizens eager to defend liberty. At the end of the four day celebration, more than 100 people joined the growing number of Americans eager for real change in our country and signed the COS petition.

"Nothing feels more American than a small town celebration like this," said Rausch. "It is a tradition we want to continue for our kids and the best way to do that is to keep our federal government from running away and changing our way of life. That is why we are so thrilled to be part of the Convention of States grassroots army."

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