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Big Tech wants to CENSOR your inbox. Here’s how to beat them.

Published in Blog on May 23, 2024 by Loyal Soles

In the digital age, where communication happens at the speed of light and information is abundant, staying connected with like-minded individuals is paramount. At Convention of States, we understand the importance of keeping our supporters informed and engaged in the fight for liberty and self-governance. However, we’ve encountered challenges in ensuring our messages reach our audience due to the pervasive algorithms of Big Tech.

Many of you may have experienced the frustration of missing out on critical updates or opportunities to support the COS resolution because our emails were filtered out or relegated to spam folders. But fear not! We’re here with a solution.

Our strategy revolves around two key actions: subscribing to our email updates and whitelisting our email address. Let's break it down:

Step 1: Subscribe to COS Email Updates

This one’s obvious. By subscribing to our email updates, you’re ensuring that you never miss important announcements, legislative updates, or opportunities to stand for the COS movement. It’s a simple yet powerful way to stay informed and engaged. Join us in this crucial step by clicking:

Step 2: Whitelist COS Emails

Once you’ve subscribed, it’s essential to whitelist our email address to bypass the filtering systems of Big Tech and prioritize our messages directly in your inbox. By whitelisting COS emails, you’re guaranteeing reliable delivery of our updates and alerts, ensuring that your voice is heard and your participation in the movement is maximized.

But how do you whitelist our email address? We've got you covered. Check out our brand-new guide HERE for instructions.

By completing both of these crucial steps, you’re not only safeguarding your access to vital information but also fortifying our efforts against censorship. We understand that battling Big Tech can be a challenge, but with your support, we can overcome these obstacles and continue to advance the cause of liberty and limited government.

Stay informed, stay engaged, and take control of your inbox by whitelisting COS emails today!

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

Are you sure you don't want emailed updates on our progress and local events? We respect your privacy, but we don't want you to feel left out!
