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Beware of the "AstroTurf" Complex

Published in Blog on November 14, 2022 by Barton (Bart) Anderson

As we have witnessed over many years, yet highly magnified in most recent times, our country has been taken over by the AstroTurf Complex.

What is the AstroTurf Complex you may ask?

It is an artificial turf scientifically formed stemming out of the United Nations – New World Order objectives. It's largely made up of our government NGOs, unelected bureaucrats, media, educational institutions, and social media platforms, They also include organizations such as NAACP, AFL-CIO, FDA, CDC, Black Lives Matter, Alliance for Justice, Center for Medicare Advocacy, just to name a few. Collectively we can name hundreds.

The United Nations has an outline of 10 principles in its Global Compact for synthetic turf. The left-wing Sunrise Movement – funded by the Rockefellers – is a Green New Deal proponent also reportedly behind AstroTurf advocacy.

These groups of illusionists are, in my opinion, the dark side of good vs. evil. They are cancers in our world that slowly eat away at our minds, soul, and spirits. They have the ability to twist perceptions and slowly deceive people with propaganda and false truths. They are a small portion of American society yet have significant power as a collective body.

Our only hope to overcome this cancer is to first recognize it exists and understand that we can overtake this artificial growth by establishing roots – that’s grassroots – in the foundations of our natural environment.

We exist in nature. Nature is just that – natural. It has existed since the beginning of time. It cannot be manipulated. AstroTurf cannot grow in nature but grassroots can take hold and surround these patches of unnatural, man-made cancers. Grassroots will eventually grow around and under this AstroTurf and separate it from our natural foundations.

We have hope. We must have the vision and confidence to uproot this evil, unnatural cancer. It will take many grassroots patches across America to spread and continue to grow.

It will take every patriot to engage at some level and get involved to some extent. If we are not a part of the solution, we are a part of the problem. Time is growing short. We have the opportunity to save our country but we can no longer stand idly.

Plug in or shrink away and pass this on to future generations. The choice is yours.

Bart Anderson, AZ District Captain, D30

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