I immigrated to the United States from Belgium almost two years ago.
Prior to that, I had visited the USA about ten years ago and immediately fell in love with your country and the American people because you are truly wonderful.
You still hold family values dear, still help each other, still stick together in difficult times. What moved me most is the warmth in all of this, in each of your hearts. For you, that may sound normal, but this is all so lost in Europe.
Back in Belgium, I had my own business and was a city and police councilwoman. However, my experiences pushed me from my home.
Belgium is the second smallest country in Europe, but has become a permanent country for settlement for a massive influx of different types of migrants over the last three decades. Migration, asylum, and integration policies have largely been short-term and reactionary, providing patches to problems rather than pursuing a long-term vision.
Unlike other European countries, such as the Netherlands or France, the Belgian Nationality code has never stipulated any formal integration conditions. Since it entered into force, almost 1,350,000 people have acquired the Belgian Nationality.
Of those, the majority are third-country nationals. More than three-quarters are Turkish and Northern African nationals who acquire Belgian citizenship; this is the case for only 30 percent of the EU-27 nationals.
You must know that Belgium’s total land area is 11,691 square miles. As of May 5, 2021, the population is 11,632,000.
Our American government gives financial support, education, jobs, and a whole new life to people who flee their home countries for many different reasons: political suppression or economic conflicts, family immigration, or whatever.
We did that for decades as well.
I was shocked by the new immigration trends in Belgium. Those young men in their twenties and thirties, supposedly fleeing wars, migrated without their wives and children. They claim to have no money while having the most expensive cell phones in their possession.
Why leave your wife and children behind? In a warzone? Without food or water?
In my personal opinion, this new wave is akin to a Trojan Horse styled-invasion.
Instead of being thankful for their new lives following their migration, we now know they impose their beliefs and disrespect the Belgian constitution and traditions, effectively destroying our way of living.
They want to turn their new country into the one they escaped.
My question is always, "Why?" What is the real reason for their migration?
I was actually told by an immigrant, "Now you Belgian people are here, but not for long. We take over little by little, day by day until the day you wake up and see it's too late. We win, and your grandchildren will have to obey our laws. Your granddaughters will cover their faces - wear burkas. You will witness this first here, in Europe, then in the United States of America, finally, the whole world becomes our religion. That is what will be."
Little by little, they are succeeding.
You all heard about Notre Dame; we saw videos of radicalized people on the roof. They burned 38 churches down. Social media was overwhelmed with their laughter and victory.
When our children are little, we let them play with Barbie dolls, little toy cars in the yard with their family.
We see videos of radicalized people shared on social media. They let their little children execute people. We saw a child cutting off a person's head. Horrible.
They brainwash kids, have training camps for children, and teach them to hate Europe and the United States. All in the name of their belief. These children grow up desensitized to murderer.
They will be adults in 10 or 20 years, likely migrate here, and nobody will recognize them as a threat; maybe they are already here. They will do what they have been taught to do.
If there are no more guns or means to protect ourselves and our families, terrible things will happen.
Thirty years ago, the Belgian government forced citizens to turn in their guns. To even carry a pocketknife is considered illegal. Now, only the bad guys have them, and there is even a new law that we Belgian Citizens are prohibited from defending our own goods; we have to undergo everything. We have lost our right to our country, our self-preservation, and our property.
Belgian authorities claim they have a handle on the current state of affairs, but after eight robberies in my single store, I can tell you the police do nothing. They don't even bother to write a statement.
Why? Because they gave up. It is not worth their time and effort anymore.
The COVID-19 pandemic was another prime example of tyranny and incompetence. They have taken away much of our freedom. Look at what happened in California, Michigan, New York.
See how easy it is to take away our freedom? Just a whimsical government decision away.
The Belgians lost many of their freedoms, too. Today, it is forbidden to receive more than one guest in their home. No more than four people are allowed to speak to each other on the street. They call that "gathering."
Police drones watch cities. This is not science fiction but reality.
This tyranny indiscriminately poisons the projects of daily life. When Belgians want to go to a store to buy sports clothes, for example, they need to make an appointment. No more than two people of the same family are allowed. Sign in is required at the minute of arrival, then you sign out when your business is complete. Insanity!
This will not likely change. "Life after the pandemic," they say sweetly.
When you think about it, this is a shattering of freedom.
It goes so horridly far that if Belgians want to share anything on social media regarding the coronavirus with their phone, they are automatically directed to a site where everything needs to be approved (i.e., censored) before it is posted. Gone is freedom of speech for citizens; only the fake news media is allowed.
What will be next?
While I was city councilwoman, we had peaceful rallies. We had a right to be heard and we exercised it civilly. But then troublemakers were paid, then escorted by the federal police to mingle among us and start riots, leaving us, the peaceful protesters, to blame.
And it worked.
When I heard President Trump had asked for a peaceful protest at the Capital, I was afraid the same thing would happen here. I wish there were a way to warn him that it was likely a setup.
I don't believe President Trump could have imagined this happening the way it did.
Chilling things are happening, here and abroad.
What has happened in Belgium is happening only because my fellow citizens and people like myself did not stand up. We let our government take our rights, one by one.
That is why I am writing today: to warn you that our beautiful USA, Land of Freedom, Land of the Brave, the Constitution, and you, the citizens, must be fought for. You must ensure your own protection in every way possible for your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and the many generations that will follow.
You are their fathers and grandfathers. Give them bravery, a sharp cry for freedom they can be proud of when they celebrate their way of life.
I know the American people are braver than we Belgian people are and don't want to see this country slip away and become a second Europe. Stay spirited.
God Bless all of you, your families, and the United States of America.