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Convention of States!


Bad Border Bill by Belligerent Bureaucrats Beaten!

Published in Blog on February 14, 2024 by Will T. Zwart

“It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones.” -President Calvin Coolidge-

In response to nation-wide calls from both sides of the aisle to secure the border, the U.S. Congress recently brought a bill to the floor that they claimed was meant to answer these calls. But in a political maneuver that’s so commonplace and disdained by now that it likely causes everyone who hears it to groan, the bill was omnibus, throwing billions of dollars left and right to things that have nothing to do with securing the southern border. 
This $118.28 billion dollar nightmare included things like: 
          -$60.06 billion directly to Ukraine 
          -$10 billion in "humanitarian assistance" to civilians in, among others, Gaza and Ukraine.                
          -$2.33 billion to continue support for Ukrainians displaced by the war. 
          -$14.1 billion in security assistance for Israel.
          - $400 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to help nonprofits and places of worship make security enhancements.
Congress also generously gave $20.23 billion to address the actual issue of the border crisis, three times less than what must be the thousandth massive check to Ukraine. The bill did not even solve its original purpose, and would have exacerbated the southern border invasion by permitting entry of up to 5,000 aliens in a single day! 
But gone are the days when Congress can sneak things like this under the wire. America no longer trusts the federal government to work for our best interests, and millions are now wise to these deceptive, two-faced bills. So when it quickly became public that such a treacherous piece of legislation was on the table, the grassroots swung into action! 
Legislator’s offices were overwhelmed with the voices of citizens demanding this “betrayal bill” be stopped dead in its tracks! Hundreds of senators began to add their voices to this chorus of outrage, and Speaker Johnson declared that if the bill reached the House of Representatives, it would be “dead on arrival.”

Reading the writing on the wall, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who orchestrated the bill, quickly switched gears and urged his fellow GOP senators to block it, saying the “political mood in the country has changed.”

A massive understatement, but he’s not wrong. Americans are sick to death of our elected leadership from both sides of the aisle making strong promises and weak – if not straight-up deceptive – legislation.

Within 2 weeks of the border bill's failure, McConnell and his allies on both sides of the aisle quickly switched gears and pushed through a massive $95 BILLION foreign aid bill to protect the borders of Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan - not $1 for protecting our own U.S. border!
The death of the “Betrayal Bill” is a tremendous victory for the grassroots, and proves that Americans are finished accepting the crumbs thrown to us by Washington D.C. It is abundantly clear that the essential changes needed to save America will not come from the top down, but rather from the bottom up, with active and determined patriots actively lighting the brush fires of liberty in the minds of men! By the merciful providence of GOD and the steadfast spirit of freedom, We, the People will be the ones to restore America, whether that be at the border, in the halls of Congress, or with the Convention of States.

What else can you do?

All Convention of States (COS) Maryland supporters need to contact their State General Assembly members. Even if you have already reached out, it will help our cause if you repeatedly contact your legislators. Persistence pays off!

Legislators act when they hear from their constituents. Our COS Resolution already has momentum, and we need YOU to act to ensure we push the resolution to passage.

Your opinion counts! Use this link to tell them you are in support of the 2024 Convention of States resolution.

Passing our COS Resolution will require all of us to work together, urging our legislature to stand up against Washington, D.C. Contact your General Assembly members and encourage them to agree to represent your position in support of our COS Resolution.

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