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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Article V: Why It Matters

Published in Blog on March 14, 2019 by Jennifer Wallace

For many millennials like myself, you could almost physically feel the shift in the mentality of the country through the two years leading up to the 2016 election. Everything has been set on a dichotomy of good versus evil. But the evil and the good vary depending on your point of view. But don't worry, your's is, for sure, the correct view.

The country has been at each other's throats long before President Trump's election, but, as boiling water steeps the tea, the temperature of our national hatred for one another is reaching record highs and bringing out, well, the worst.

The Blue Wave of 2018 that was a much a reactionary election to conservatism as the 2016 presidential election was to liberalism, continues the country on its hot trajectory towards socialism.

The many fresh, new faces of Congress who were projected to bring new energy, ideas, and originality to our country are doing just that, but how "new" is the idea of democratic socialism? Forget the antisemitism, the desire to completely collapse our economy through the 100% removal of fossil fuels, or, my personal favorite, the WORLD ENDING in 12 years. They've got freshness, and they've got faceness, and they know just what to do with you, your money, and anything else you hold dear. 

Now, before you object. Literally, no decent person, conservative or liberal, wants others to suffer. We all want to have a better life, community, opportunities, and safety that is equally and wholly embraced by everyone regardless of who they are.

The point is freedom, not force. Simply put, freedom is a democratic republic, and force will always follow in the wake of a democratic socialist.

But, you know who else has freshness and faceness and can actually do something intelligent and productive for our country, which is AMAZING, while keeping it free and flourishing? You. YOU. For the people in the cheap seats, Y.O.U.

How so? Article V of the Constitution, baby! The states, the people, US - we have the power to come together and propose amendments that put term limits on politicians and SCOTUS. We can make Congress be fiscally responsible and get rid of wasteful spending. We can still take care of our elderly, disabled, single moms, our children, and veterans. We can govern conservatively and responsibly without the corruption that has enveloped Washington D.C.

Right now, we have fourteen states that have already passed the Convention of States application. Eight states are in the process of passing the application. Twenty-four states will be considering the Convention of States resolution during 2019.

Let's do a little math. 14 + 8 + 24 = 46 Now, will we get all 46 states, maybe not. BUT, we only need 34 states to the call the convention. It's coming. 

Since the Ides of March was last week. I would be remiss if I did not include my favorite quote from Julius Caesar. "There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries." 

We sail with the tide. The tide of freedom and reclaiming the government "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Will you go with us? Or, will you be left behind in the "shallows" and "miseries" that will surely result from socialism.

But, it's going to take ALL of us. We need to come together for the benefit of our country and our futures. It's time.

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