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Article V opinion piece published in NC newspaper

Published in Blog on July 08, 2024 by Convention of States Action

An op-ed that argues in favor of calling an Article V convention to limit the power, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government was appropriately published on July 4, as it refers to Article V as the "break-in-case-of-emergency provision" given to us by the Founding Fathers. 

Authored by Ken Wienecke, the op-ed appeared in the Monroe County, North Carolina, publication the Enquirer Journal.

The piece couldn't be timelier, as the COS resolution, HJR 235, was passed in the North Carolina House last year and is currently pending in the Senate. Should it pass in the Senate, North Carolina will become the 20th state in the union to approve the call for an Article V convention. 

Members of the COS North Carolina team have recently campaigned in 16 statewide primary races for candidates who support an Article V application and were successful in 14 of the races. In three “open seat” House districts and one Senate district, the COS-endorsed candidates have advanced to the general election.

In May, hundreds of supporters from North Carolina and surrounding states rallied in Raleigh to hear from Convention of States Action national and state leaders, and to speak with senators and urge them to pass the resolution. 

Op-eds such as Ken's are important in helping publicize the need and urgency for an Article V convention in general, and passing the COS resolution in North Carolina during this legislative session in particular. 

If you are in North Carolina, keep the heat on your senators by urging them to approve HJR 235, and keep submitting letters-to-the-editor and op-ed pieces like Ken's to spread the word and encourage action.  

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