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to call for a

Convention of States!


Article V is a Call to Action - Will You Answer the Call?

Published in Blog on July 18, 2022 by David Keckta

Dear Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers and everyone else,

The future is not lost and there is hope. Voting and hoping for a different outcome is not the only the option. Feeling helpless and thinking that there’s nothing else that can be done is normal considering the circumstances we find ourselves in.

I could write a list of all of the issues in the media or the issues impacting Americans daily but YOU, the reader, are already living it. Therefore, you’re already aware of the litany of issues impacting your life for the worse. If you’re like me, then you just want it to stop. Like electricity, I prefer the path of least resistance. It’s not that I don’t or can’t handle difficult things. On the contrary, I have trained myself to be an expert in handling difficult situations and circumstances. I recognized a long time ago that there would be times in my life when things would not always go my way. So I decided at that time to become an expert in handling those situations so that handling them would become easier over time with some practice. I prefer the path of least resistance as a default state of being, but when I need to flip that switch, I can successfully take on a lot of challenges.

What does this have to do with Article V?

Daily life is becoming harder on Americans because of the policies coming out of Washington, D.C. Generally, I believe Americans are like me in that they want a better life. They are willing to work hard for that better life but they would like less resistance along the way. Are you that way?

Americans are traditionally some of the hardest working people in the world. They are not afraid to do what it takes to get things done. Previous generations of Americans have kindled innovation, beaten back tyranny, and accumulated and amassed more wealth than ever before in the history of mankind. They lifted the standards of living that we all now enjoy. The spirit of those Americans lives on in us today. We face some daunting challenges but we have the tools and the brains to overcome them.

As I stated the first article of this series, Article V is a gift. The language in Article V was adopted in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of federal powers (See the Congressional Preamble to the Bill of Rights). It is the very tool we need to lift and remove the boot of the federal government from the throats of states and individuals.

I believe the amendment process will give this country a chance to save itself. I believe that we still have time to do it. I believe that we can do it. It is the last and best opportunity and method we haven’t yet tried. Until we try it, we can’t claim we did everything in our power to save our Republic.

This effort won’t be easy and this is one of those times when we need all hands on deck. So, I’m issuing a call to action. Go to and sign the petition.

Once you sign the petition, SIGN UP to VOLUNTEER. Get involved with this grassroots movement to amend the Constitution so that the process of ending federal abuse can be initiated. Once we join forces, we will be able to network to achieve our goals. We will be able to effectively organize our efforts and direct them as needed. We will be able to coordinate with each other, develop and take part in a plan to take back our country from the tyrants.

This can’t be done unless we join together. Like the original colonies, we must join, or die.

Tyranny is here and liberty is calling for you to defeat it.


Romans 13:12

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.”

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Convention of states action

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