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Convention of States!


Arkansas celebrates her two year anniversary

Published in Blog on February 19, 2021 by Shay Freeman, SCW

Last Saturday, two dozen-plus Convention of States volunteers from Region 6, 7, and 8 gathered in Conway at a local restaurant to Meet, Greet and Eat

It was held the day before our second anniversary of the signing of the COS Resolution in 2019 and was the third of numerous grassroots meetings organized to energize all the new volunteers coming on board.

State Information Analyst Chris Nelson drove four hours to meet the new volunteers, who were ready to get informed, get activated, and get going to save our country from tyranny.

State Director Jacque Martin greeted newcomers, encouraging five new petition signers to join the team. She had a plethora of COS literature for anyone to take home.

Grassroots Coordinator Katherine Del Conte began the meeting with a prayer that was both encouraging and challenging. It reminded us that “wherever we go, we take the Kingdom” and that we are bearers of good news, not just reactors of the negative political news we hear and read.

Regional Captain Rod Beasley led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Katherine then challenged each of us to give a minimum of 20 minutes a day to COS in webinars, phone calls to new petition signers, or other activities that will accomplish the mission.

Martin told us how to equip ourselves to be able to discuss all the issues of COS with those we know via social media, as well as any communications we might have with friends or family.

She informed us of different coalitions such as Turning Point USA that we might tell our college-bound about and challenged us to attend Quorum Court meetings, City Council meetings, committee meetings at the capitol, or even local school board meetings.

She explained that the "trickle up" effect of self-governance is what we are attempting to achieve.

Martin recommended website links where we can follow pending legislation and other methods to enhance grassroots activities.

Rod Beasley spoke about the importance of getting and staying connected to the COS website and COS University. This is the easiest and best way to learn the ropes of COS and what we need to know and do to further our mission.

He explained how easy it is to speak to someone in the grocery store line when you see a veteran's hat or t-shirt that resonates patriotism. He recommended carrying COS info cards with us.

After recessing for lunch, we celebrated with a beautiful heart-shaped cake to commemorate our two-year anniversary of passing the COS Resolution in Arkansas.

State Videographer Jeremiah Stark made this video to help us never forget this day. It was just like a family anniversary with new family members! Please take a moment to watch it.

Arkansas Celebrates 2 Year Anniversary

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