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Are Your Candidates Constitutionalists?

Published in Blog on June 20, 2024 by Julie Baker

How does one determine which candidate is a constitutionalist? Is it the candidate who claims to be a constitutionalist, or the candidate whose actions demonstrate evidence of it?

It is campaign season, and you are going to hear candidates claim constitutionalist credentials.

An Article V convention (such as the one Convention of States Action applies for) is a constitutional process. It is a process designed to facilitate one of the state legislature’s duties and responsibilities, which is to keep the federal government in check. To date, the state legislatures have been woefully derelict in fulfilling this duty and responsibility.

Many of the hot button issues that will be the center of campaigns are a direct result of overreach by the federal government and can be substantially addressed if amendments, proposed pursuant to the Convention of States Action Article V application, are ratified.

You will no doubt agree with many candidates on the local issues, but the more important question is, where do they stand on Article V? Where do they stand on the state’s responsibility to rein in the federal government? Remember, we are losing our ability to make decisions for ourselves as the federal government becomes more powerful. While Wyoming issues are very important, the existential threat we face today is from the federal government.

There will be candidates who say they are for states' rights, but at the same time they reject the ultimate demonstration of states' rights and power:  the Article V convention process.

There will be rationalizations and justifications for why it ‘isn’t the right time to use this tool’. The bottom line is this:  you can’t claim to be a constitutionalist and then say a constitutional process is too dangerous to pursue. If one will rationalize this, what other constitutional principle will be rationalized away?

This is precisely what the Wyoming GOP did, again, this year at the GOP convention. They passed a resolution rejecting the use of Article V; they rationalized it away. How did the Wyoming GOP get so far off track? Largely because they are listening to arguments propagated by the far left. See The Liberal Establishment’s Disinformation Campaign Against Article V - and How it Misled Conservatives

It is very important that we know where our candidates stand on the Convention of States Action application for an Article V Convention to propose amendments, which is to impose term limits on federal officials, to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, and to reduce the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

Those candidates successful in their campaign will have to swear an oath to uphold the U.S. and Wyoming Constitutions. How can someone, in good faith, swear an oath to the Constitution if they reject part of it?

Don’t assume by the issues discussed that you know who the constitutionalists are. Go to candidate forums or call your candidates and ask “do you support the use of Article V of the U.S. Constitution to rein in the federal government”? “Would you vote YES on the Convention of States Resolution if you were elected”?


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