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Convention of States!


Are We Worthy?

Published in Blog on September 25, 2023 by Gary Harbaugh

“Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” ~ John Adams ~

During the Big Game, it is okay to scream and rant at the TV and eat enough to feed a small village. On other days, not so much.

Are we worthy of the freedoms that come with limited government? If we are to enjoy the benefits of limited government and the high level of personal freedom that comes with it, we must be moral and religious, so said an important founding father and the second president of the United States.

Perhaps Mr. Adams would have summarized being moral as choosing right conduct and being religious, not as related to any particular denomination, but as fearing the ultimate judgment of an Almighty God. Regardless of who won the game and how we think that came about, can we all agree that being moral and religious are good things again in twenty-first century America?

Our constitution is a good thing. We can be worthy.

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