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Are there Christians in Congress?

Published in Blog on February 07, 2023 by Bryan Quinn

With all the chaos in Congress over the past few, well, decades, I wanted to see how many of them considered themselves to be Christians. A study for PEW Research Center provided this article.

This is quite interesting and somewhat a red flag of the state of the union from a Christian perspective. About 76% of Democrats and almost 99% of Republicans fancy themselves as Christians, yet many are for gender mutilation of children, abortion and other abhorrent acts against mankind.

Congress is guilty of removing God from our schools, courts, etc. They are guilty of lies, deceit and atrocities spanning the years, yet, historically, they have self-reported as being mainly Christian. Makes me wonder what their definition of Christianity is?

Psalm 139, the writer is wondering where they can go to get away from Gods' spirit. We know the answer is no where. This is comforting when we seek Him, but it should also put the fear of God in our hearts knowing we cannot hide. And this is severely lacking in D.C.

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