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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


American Leaders vs Marxist Destroyers

Published in Blog on March 01, 2022 by Thomas Scott

How jarring is the comparison of the people and leadership in Ukraine, fighting for their lives, with the leadership of America? I know they are facing imminent danger, which is a great motivator. But when America’s response to this international threat to the stability of the world are sanctions, which we won’t know if they work for a month or so, how confident are you that America will help?

Ukrainian leadership is standing firm, shoulder-to-shoulder with the citizens and their military to combat this aggression. Our leadership, Republican and Democrat alike, are worrying about climate change and getting reelected. Whom would you follow?

America was built upon the acts of individuals willing to put their lives on the line for their belief in freedom.

What are our citizens focused on?

Gender identity, trying to decide if there are two or forty-nine. Critical race theory, which states all white people have been racists forever; are there safe places at school in case freedom of speech is not curtailed, and weather-or-not a man-bun makes you look attractive to one of the forty-nine genders you encounter.

America needs strong leaders, men, and women, who will stand on the God-ordained values that created this, the greatest nation ever, and are willing to put it all on the line. Our founders believed in a nation run by the people and for the people.  

That is, at the community level. National politics were not the focus when America was established, it was with the small communities because that’s where many of the populace lived. The founders wanted people to run for office, not as a career, bring their local knowledge to bear on local problems. The elected would know the local issues better than a national administration.

That is where policies are impactful, locally.

Do we need leaders distracted by the social issues that Marxists use to divide citizens, or do we need clear-eyed, focused individuals working for the good (lower taxes, less government, and a balanced budget) of the people they represent?

The Convention of States' mission is to build an engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists. This army will work toward empowering communities, states, and politicians aware of their obligation to their constituents, instead of reelection and personal wealth concerns.

Go to, sign the petition, and join this self-governing grassroots movement.

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