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America’s Amazing History of Miracles: Weather Phenomena, Third in a Series

Published in Uncategorized on February 16, 2024 by Myrl Nisely

Most of us have had occasions where we prayed for the weather we wanted. We wish to go to the park for a picnic, so we ask God for sunshine, perfect temperature, and a pleasant breeze. The problem is, there are farmers just outside of town who very much want rain, and they are asking the same God to send just the right volume of gentle rain that day. This creates a dilemma for God. More than likely, He simply lets the weather do whatever it was going to do that day. Our prayers for manipulation of the weather are rather self-centered and trivial, though they may be sincere. 

In contrast to man’s management of weather, many events in American history have demonstrated that God has used weather at times to powerfully intervene in the affairs of man. In most cases, the praying was not centered on weather, but on intense needs for which God’s help was urgently needed. That may be the key to changing the weather: whether we have an intense need for God’s help, rather than just wishing for our convenience and enjoyment.

After Prayer, A Hurricane Scatters An Enemy Fleet

In the following example prayers were made requesting a storm. In 1746, 70 ships with 13,000 troops sailed from France to lay waste to the American colonies. The huge French fleet was New England bound to level Boston and other cities in the British colony. Word of this threat spread, causing great anxiety among the colonists. Massachusetts Governor William Shirley proclaimed a Day of Fasting and Prayer, and citizens responded in great numbers. Click this link to hear the exciting details as described by William Federer.

Another description of this protection granted by God:


You may choose to also read from the Federers’ book in addition to the videos.

Susie Federer and William J. Federer, December 12, 2012, Miracles in American History: 32 Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer, Amerisearch, Inc., publisher, 13-15.

We see in this event that God protects whom he chooses but is also willing to destroy other’s plans, property, and lives in doing so. May COS activities always be under His protection and provision. Learn more at



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