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The Honorable Allen West, Lieutenant Colonel, USA (Retired) Calls For Us To Earn The Sacrifice Of Our Fallen Patriots

Published in Blog on July 02, 2019 by Christopher Neely

During the Memorial Day weekend several COS South Carolina supporters were honored to spend time with Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Allen West.

West spoke at multiple events throughout the day. One of the events he spoke at was the local annual tribute to fallen veterans from York County held in the city of York, SC. 

At this event LTC West served as the keynote speaker for an assembled group of Veterans and their families, elected officials, and the general public. 

The essence of LTC West's speech to this group and throughout the day can be captured in his quote from Steven Spielberg’s World War II drama Saving Private Ryan, in which Tom Hank’s Captain Miller utters these dying words to Matt Damon’s Private Ryan: “Earn this.”

In short, he challenged us all to earn the sacrifices of our honored war dead by dedicating ourselves to preserving our republic.

Fundamentally, each generation must communicate American exceptionalism to the next by speaking to our kids, teaching them about our history, the sacrifices made by past service members, and pointing out what make our country unique.

The following remarks are excerpts from LTC West's speeches during the three events of that day, including a brunch event for COS supporters, the memorial event in the city of York, and the evening dinner at a local American Legion Post.

“It’s summer now. The kids are out of school. We have just a couple of months to un-brainwash them. Talk to your kids about Venezuela, Iran, the Tax Code. About Mick Jagger coming to the U.S. from ‘Free Health Care’ Britain to get his heart surgery. About snowbirds from ‘Free Health Care’ Canada opting to defer their medical procedures until their annual Florida vacation. Explain the basic concept of real socialism to them: take away their iPhones and tell them you’re going to give them to poorer kids because you feel they need them more. Explain to them that the federal government – not the banks - raised student loan interest rates to 6 percent, finally taking over the entire student loan industry. Take them to a National Cemetery.

"It was great seeing the JROTC Cadets speaking at today’s Memorial Day Observance. This was a life-changing event for them. Our kids are looking for structure, or they will find their own structure. We have to instill self-discipline in them. We have to be the adults. Read the Declaration of Independence with your kids on Independence Day. Note that many of the same grievances we had with King George III have returned. Remind them of Lincoln’s words: "America is the last, best hope of mankind.”

“When our kids return to school, remember that secular humanism is the root of Progressivism. We have to plant the flag and hold our ground. Tell your kids you want to see their school syllabus. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. You have to confront educators who are teaching falsehoods. They are cowards. Confront them on the platform if necessary with a camera.”

“It is of the utmost importance that we take the time to learn our history and understand what we believe as Americans, then teach that to the next generation. This is the least we can do toward ‘earning’ the sacrifices of all those brave patriots who gave their all to preserve the freedoms we enjoy.

"‘Earn this’ by standing proudly for what we believe, teaching and reminding our family and friends what it means to be Americans. We are the greatest country on earth, not because we are superior human beings, but because of the eternal truths upon which this nation was founded. ‘Earn this’ by learning those truths and passing them on."

So let us "earn it" by speaking those truths to our children, our fellow Americans, and our Legislators.”

Based on notes taken by LTC, USA (Ret) G.J. Kilgren during LTC West’s remarks.

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