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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


Action versus action reporting

Published in Blog on July 19, 2024 by Elizabeth Jennings

Well, I started this BLOG about COS Action Reports on Saturday July 13th in the late afternoon. Political events of the day overtook and diverted my attention, big time. It has been difficult to return to my original writing, as the assassination attempt on former President Trump has blurred the lines and scattered my thought processes. I am personally so grateful that he was not seriously injured and will continue to thank the Lord for that. 

So, my thoughts have been many as have been the words of the news media pundits. The question keeps rising in my mind, “Does any of what we are doing here through Convention of States (COS) really matter, in the larger scheme of life?”

My answer, to myself, is ‘Yes, you silly girl; you bet it does. Now more than ever.’ Now, more than ever, there is a need for an engaged grassroots effort – informed, and persistently focused on ‘Making Washington DC Answer to Us.’ 

As COS blogger, Jakob Fay, stated, "Politics is blinding. It tends to warp our minds, causing us, if we’re not careful, to view fellow humans—fellow souls—as obstacles in the way of our obtaining political goals and aims. It knocks everything out of perspective.” In some small yet significant way, it is up to each of us to help maintain an acute focus on the importance of self-governance, as put forth by the U.S. Constitution. 

At COS, we are purposely driven toward an Article V Convention of States; propelled with a razor focus on using the power granted to the states in Article V of the U.S. Constitution, which gives states the power to call a convention to propose amendments. It takes thirty-four (34) states to call the convention and thirty-eight (38) to ratify any amendments that are proposed. (

A COS convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “1) limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, 2) impose fiscal restraints, and 3) place term limits on federal officials.”

Will we get this done? Great question, to which I respond with a resounding “YES.” 

How will we get this done? The same way the founders of this country got things done - through the energy, diligent work, and persistence of ordinary folks like those of us who are COS volunteers now and/or will be COS volunteers in the future.

The following words came across my email feed this morning and sums it up for me. 

“Each of us has a special gift, some special capacity by which we can contribute to the welfare of those around us. What is important is that we use that gift or skill to the very best of our ability.” (Eknath Easwaran)

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Convention of states action

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