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Sign the petition

to call for a

Convention of States!


A Time for Action

Published in Blog on January 19, 2021 by Jodean Bown

On Wednesday Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as President and Vice President of the United States of America.
There was all-out rejoicing from some, who raised a glass to the incoming Administration. To them, getting rid of the bad, orange man from the White House is a reason to celebrate!

There will also be those who will go to work and come home, not even remembering or caring about the events happening in Washington, D.C. It’s just another day.
The rest of us are mourning a little bit. Okay, a lot. We know what is coming after today, and it’s not going to be pretty.

The new administration and their cronies will now have the power to usher in what they believe is a new era. They will enact (or reinstall) policies that will hurt this country, crush our economy, and take away some hard-earned freedoms.
All because we lost an election.
It’s difficult to watch. It’s hard to comprehend that freedom is dying each day. Helplessness is definitely not an emotion a freedom-loving individual likes to feel.
But We the People have a hope. Written in our Constitution is an article, conceived in forethought by the early Framers. It was placed there, knowing that there would come a time when the government would abuse its power and the citizenry of this country.
Article V.
Convening an Article V Convention of States will accomplish three things. One, it would constrain the federal government's power to arbitrarily create laws that will destroy America and our way of life.

Second, it will draw a line at their ability to recklessly spend money that was earned by those who work everyday for themselves and their families.

Third, it will impose term limits. No more career politicians, who produce nothing and contribute nothing to America. Right now, Congress just takes from us and then they give themselves more power--power that the Framers of the Constitution never intended for them to have.
Let’s change that. Take that feeling of helplessness and turn it into action. Call your state legislators. Bombard them with messages, phone calls, and email to let them know that we do not want the federal government to have that much say in our lives, whether it’s by laws that take away our rights or the hard-earned money you make everyday.
Let us dust off Article V and start using it to strengthen the people’s voice. Let's take back this country from the tyranny that is Washington.

Do it today. It is not too late to feel hopeful again.

Click here to get involved!
Convention of states action

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